
I see what you did there. Sounds like it happened on the Fox news website (it’s how these radicalized Christianists communicate with each other) but when? That’ll take some digging.

I’m guessing they have him a polite warning followed by a pat on the shoulder and offered to buy him a cup of coffee

I wonder when and where he was radicalized?

what if I prefer low end products?

At this point I think it’s more about forcing the bastard to stay and make his life as miserable as possible.

I just accept that my hard-earned money is going to be handed to other people. I would just like it to be handed to people that need it.

The glorification of what celebrities think about politics is exactly what got us Donald Trump as a leading Presidential candidate.

When life hands you Don Lemons...

I’ve always voted democratic, in My life. For the first time, I was Thinking of voting republican.

Similarly, when I open the front door, nobody expects me to have pants on.

Yeah, the government just gives you all that shit, right? Right?

Here’s a business argument: Study after study has shown that publicly financed stadiums offer a terrible ROI for cities.

At least he’ll still be able to pen op-eds for The Blaze from there.

While I agree with you about market size, I don’t know why you keep on insisting that KC and St. Louis are the same market just because they are in the same state. They don't overlap.

Yeah, well, St. Louis wants Stan out just as badly. He can even take his franchise, I don’t give a shit. However, we keep the name (like Cleveland did), the trophy, and five players (the D-line and Todd Gurley), and give them all to whatever franchise replaces the nameless Kroenke club.

The fact you’re hung up on state borders is really, really bizarre.

Chicago is only an hour further away from St. Louis than KC. Why should we even keep the Cardinals? Could just root for the Cubs! Let's merge Cincy and Cleveland teams while we're at it!

Since when are football teams allocated by state, rather than by market? Neither the St. Louis nor the Kansas City market is confined to the state of Missouri, nor do they overlap at all.

He’s such a Kroenke old asshole.

You mean the Belichik is pissed because an obscure rule bit him on the ass? You don't say.