Sanders isn’t going to happen because his coalition is white men with beards and white men without beards.
Sanders isn’t going to happen because his coalition is white men with beards and white men without beards.
All I got from this is that you think your opinion is the only one that matters.
Could you at least brush your teeth before you go yelling at people in the streets, after sucking Bernie’s cock like this.
“Clinton lost- get over it! It’s that simple!”
You are...not nearly as informed about recent events as you think you are.
So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?
One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.
It would also help if blacks stopped being such a bunch of self centered show offs with their athletic abilities and would learn how to play in an intelligent and team oriented way with grit and hustle, like guys like Brett Favre, John Stockton, Cal Ripken Jr. and countless Duke basketball players from the last 25…
Don’t forget that Rick Perry’s commitment to black people is so deep he named his families hunting camp in honor of them:
I have nothing but respect for The Whites, even though many of them are addicted to opiates and are too lazy to get a job! I have some Whites in my family, they are good people, hard working, respectful! If all The Whites where like The Whites I know, they would be happier.
Doesn’t have to talk to the media if he doesn’t want to, just another one of the perc’s of his job.
Top 5 most likely to promote? That isn’t even a thing. So he makes the jump from single A to double A if the AAA guy gets called up?
I can’t explain why but the continued use of “all takes matter” as the name of the show bothers me. It’s not terrible, it just reminds me of that friend you have who refers to Channing Tatum as Magic Mike and acts like it’s still semi-clever on the 900th time.
I mean, I do get not respecting this garbage pile, pube…
He didn’t care enough to watch the NHL awards? I guess he is a real hockey fan.
Perhaps if Riley convinced his billionaire owner to sacrifice by paying the luxury tax the year before in order to keep the team together, he could have better convinced a not-billionaire that everybody there was sacrificing. Instead, they traded away assets important to James to avoid paying the repeater tax.
I mean, sure, if marriage had a maximum length of 4 years and was based on performing a certain service in return for compensation that was capped based on revenues of all marriages.
“If you leave, it’ll be the biggest mistake of your career.” Lebron misunderstood. Pat Riley was talking to his hair gel.
The Warriors should have nothing to worry about. George W. Bush once embarrassingly choked in office and he still had another seven years on top.
Why would the Cubs even want Chapman? There's no designated hitter in the NL...