Dear Stan, I wrote you but you still ain't called/
Dear Stan, I wrote you but you still ain't called/
"He hasn't responded, he hasn't called back, he hasn't done anything,"
Word is that negotiations will stall like this until April, as L.A. representatives will not arrive to the bargaining table until the second quarter.
Just this once, I'd love to see St Louis, Oakland, and San Diego all tell their NFL teams to get fucked when it comes to asking for publicly-funded venues at the exact same time, just to see what happens. It's not like all three of them can move to LA simultaneously.
Somebody should tell Nolan Ryan that Republicans don't get into the Hall of Fame, he's going to be shocked.
serious question: can anyone name a white baseball player off the top of their head that isn't dumb as all fucking shit?
Yep. I know it hindered my election to the hall.
Curt Schilling: says a bunch of dumb shit that is flagrantly incorrect
ESPN: suspends Keith Law from Twitter for two weeks
nothing says Liberal Bias like George Will
Wait, I wasn't elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame this year, either...
I don't think it's that ridiculous. I've heard all my life about people ignoring the elephant in the room.
and gave a bunch of money to Mitt Romney's campaign.
"Wait, Smoltz said gays are basically people who have sex with animals? He said they're people? Fuckin' libtard."
What is it about Republicans thinking they're always being victimized?
Second, John Smoltz is almost certainly not a Democrat.
Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.
he clearly stated he was a fan of Stu's, liked his work, and claimed to defend it?
The problem is that Jason Whitlock is a know-it-all dilettante who appointed himself the arbiter of Black Correctness, despite going to an almost exclusively white college and working in an almost exclusively white industry. There's nothing wrong with any of that: Ball State paid for his school and he genuinely seems…
When I read Whitlock's anti-rap diatribes then see him use rap greats for comparison, it feels like he's struggling to balance his identity as a black man and as a journalist. I feel him fighting to carry the weight of racism that this country's history has put on him. The duality of black consciousness constantly…
I wonder why these racist didn't post the same type of comments a couple of weeks ago, when dude killed those cops in Pennsylvania.