One isolated incident doesn't invalidate researched statistics about which jobs incur the most fatalities...
One isolated incident doesn't invalidate researched statistics about which jobs incur the most fatalities...
If this shooter had been white, the media would call it an isolated incident.
Seriously. Browns have been cursed since the days of Bern Kosar and Vin Testaverde.
If Jackie Robinson had just shortened his name he'd have conquered racism faster than you can say...
"I know we shouldn't speak ill of the dead" but you did. Fuck off, you have never even met them, you don't know shit.
It's super awesome that we have a sophisticated system of constitutional protections to save us from assholes like you. Assholes worry me a hell of a lot more than stupid people.
The only thing the Browns did right all week was not apologize to some butthurt cops who don't understand freedom of speech and opinion.
Cleveland PD better not see this "thug" walking around Cleveland. Trying to act all "educated."
Did he point the fake gun at police? No, he did not.
None of those crimes warrant execution bootlicker.
Hawkins' response is much better than the Cleveland Police response: CLEVELAND POLICE IS NOT AFRAID...CLEVELAND POLICE IS STRONGEST ONE THERE IS!!! CLEVELAND POLICE SMASH!!!!
And no one would certainly blame you if you wanted to go ahead and start rooting for Andrew Hawkins.
Played a little ball in high school, huh?
I haven't seen a quarterback so happy about taking hits since Todd Marinovich.
Ah yes, the good ol' STICK TO SPORTS. Glad to see it's not just twitter idiots using that anymore.
More like Lose-y Pain, amirite
Or TLU - Texas Lion University.
Robert Griffin III is broken up inside.
Just a little something he picked up from his buddy Dan Snyder, who punted 4 draft picks to get him.