
Where did he buy that accent, fucking Walmart? He sounds like he's trying out for a Coors ("Keeeeeeeerrrrss") commercial.

They were already booked by the Koch Brothers for a GOP fundraiser.

He had stuff gallantly streaming twice. The twilight never had its last gleaming. It was sung in monotone and lasted forever. Then there's that neck tattoo.

That's what they get for not booking Madison Rising.

You know, as a performer, it is nerve racking enough to go out in front of any size audience and do something that you've (I'm assuming) practiced day in and day out for hours/days on end. It's 1000% times worse when you do something like that from memory. I can sympathize.

In his defense, It's Been Awhile since he sang our national anthem.

I didn't realize there was only one note in the entire song

Has this band been relevant lately? It's been a while.

"Colonel Reb is a government employee"

God, I'm so goddam sick of these shameless, self-glorifying prostitutes, smiling as they drape themselves in whorish iniquity, posing and preening like they aren't way past their sell-by date. But hey, at least one of their freshmen got to take photographs with a porn actress.

Cause it's a school night?

Thankfully, Brent is used to three-and-outs

What's Up Mountain?

Putting 'Up on Cripple Creek' that low has to be the work of that soulless, rhythmless and bluesless white boy Margary.

You know what can kill you in large doses? Water. You know what table salt is? Sodium (a metal that explodes when it comes in contact with water) and Chlorine (a poisonous gas). And CORPORATIONS tell us to put this IN OUR FOOD. *fart*

Just what the saucer people would like you to believe. Wake up sheeple!

Truth is that any large group is terrible at doing things. It's also amazing to me that the political persuasion of most truthers is the same one that believes that the government can't do anything effectively.

"I could be upset about it," Meek said, "but I'm planning on inheriting the earth later, so who gives a fuck?"

Am I the only fucking person on the planet that thinks pumpkin ONLY tastes good in pumpkin pie? And that's fucking IT?? Am I alone? Sometimes I feel so alone in this.

I don't know, that doesn't seem like nearly enough to bring down Towers.