People are dumb, mean and are overreacting, but they have to rationalize the pile of cash they shelled out for the system of their choice. Know why PC gamers are the worst offenders of the "PC Master Race / Console Peasant" childishness? They have the biggest pricetag to rationalize. It's human nature do feel like you…
Yes and no. When the developers repeatedly, categorically and emphatically state that the ending to ME3 "won't just be some cheap binary choice between Ending A, Ending B and Ending C", then deliver an ending that is exactly what they said it wouldn't be, the consumers have a right to call them out for lying about…
Not liking the MMO-ness of it all doesn't mean he wasn't looking to have fun. Bungie tried not to call it an MMO since day one. They had no problem noting the similarities in certain elements but they do try to point out the importance of the story to them. Thing is, I agree with Dryd. The way they presented…
And nope. I still don't care much for the game. It's still not selling its story to me. This is the only thing that really amounted to a 'hook' in the beta, and I just don't think it's a very good one, especially because it's still a very much multiplayer game. I mean, while I know there are thousands upon thousands…
This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person…
The whole, "Let's cut features from the previous game's expansions to resell them in the next game's series of expansions" is one thing.
But now they're cutting stuff from the previous base games to sell that to people in the expansions. What the fucking fuck.
It shouldn't be a controversy at all.
Is it too much of a hope that we won't get articles on Kotaku that raise one gender on the pedestal, which certainly won't fix gender equality anywhere, but rather just pisses people off?
I have decided I am not a fan of Bungie's artists. Clearly it strikes a cord with some people, but it doesn't get me excited at all. Trailer killed all my enthusiasm for the game.
It's beyond frustrating that media support isn't included with this update. I'd really like to donate to my 360 to someone less fortunate, but I can't let it go until the One replicates that functionality.
It's beyond frustrating that media support isn't included with this update. I'd really like to donate to my 360 to…
Heres an idea, stop paying attention to all the varying different opinions people have for the game and play it yourself and make you're own damn opinion. If you don't like it fine, if you do like it, fine. I'm not going to say my opinion on it because it doesn't matter what I or anyone else says about the game at…
Keep in mind this is Kotaku, take EVERY review with HUGE giant salt shakers. 9/10 their opinions are fueled by some hidden agenda behind it, hence the making mention of "Where's the black and female protagonists herp derp!"
I'm so incredibly sad that there are so many people on this site that seem determined to watch this game fail. Either because it didn't meet their weird preconceptions of what it would be (despite nearly two years of previews) or because it didn't match the graphical fidelity that it was initially shown at (I don't…
I wish the show didn't portray torture as a legitimate and useful information extraction technique.
Neither do I. I see nothing wrong with the picture
I honestly don't get it...
The gameplay and concepts in this sound really good, with bags of potential but the mutilation of Middle Earth to support this game is more than a bit cringe worthy. It's really holding back the game for me and I just wish they could have applied this gameplay to a whole new IP.
Still, I'll try to keep an open mind…