Totally agree. it’s the same side of those trying to maximize monetization of live service games.
Screw the meta, just play to enjoy the game!
Totally agree. it’s the same side of those trying to maximize monetization of live service games.
Screw the meta, just play to enjoy the game!
It’s also telling that they won’t just open the “alpha” to more players and allow footage that isn’t curated.
So one of the main characters is definitely dying at the end of the story right? Seems to be the Rockstar story shocker all the time unless they just do what GTA V did where there actually was an option to save everyone
I agree, lets hope that the reason Konami hasn’t announced it yet because they are still assessing things. Would be ideal if all games could make it to PC at some point
Leaks indicate Vol 2 is Peace Walker, Portable Ops and Metal Gear Rising.
MGS4 is a long shot in my opinion, likely to be considered last on the remake list if at all.
Leaks indicate volume 2 includes Peace Walker, Portable ops and Metal Gear Rising.
I wouldn’t be surprised if MGS4 is left out and not commented on. I think only a remake can save that game due to PS3 architecture and apple licensing etc.
Akrham Knight’s ending was stupid for so many reasons and made no sense. Batman gives up at the end because Robin is in Danger yet never did that when Barabara, Gordon or Nightwing were caught. Knightfall was obviously a fake out but are people really going to think the bat themed vigilante isn’t just Batman?
I’m imagining a scene where Cal starts yelling “they’re animals! and I slaughtered them like animals!” to his love interest
Also when Sony buys a studio it’s treated as a loving relationship of support but when Microsoft does, it’s considered just throwing money and compensating.
Not saying that giant megacorps buying up every form of entertainment is good but I don’t see how one form is somehow more admirable than the other
What it really is is New Age nonsense, no different from the people who talk about “vibrational energy” of the universe and how we are all “collectively god”. Nothing about it seems poetic or abstract and any narrative thread is so vague and non-committal. Good for the guy who got to have it read by many people on a…
perhaps I didn’t articulate my point very well; What is the point of adding these gameplay quirks if it does not positively serve the game in any way(Ie. wasting time in a grindy combat for no gain), why not just cut the arbitrary reason to have these engagements if the story reason isn’t integral.
Response I get:…
Why not just make it so the cops are not enemies? what does this add to the game? Is there actually a story reason worth keeping in the game to have to fight cops? I’m not asking if there is a story reason, but is there a reason that they couldn’t cut out?
I’m not saying cops are heroes or defending them but I don’t…
Look at the smile on that minifigs face, didn’t even wait to take it off the trailer, looks like the TP is out so probably didn’t wipe either.
“Now I want to get in there and help make it happen.”
I do not remember saying you couldn’t.
In this video you can see the camera focused on three enemies. Usually a player will focus the camera on their targets, The enemy batgirl starts engaging is then quite a ways off the screen. my experience in these situations makes it look like the character is just targeting…
There are some very obvious flaws. Motion does not look fluid and feels jarring to look at. the scene with the ambulance has something funky going on with the lighting. It just doesn’t seem right somehow. The combat seems to have some auto targeting issues when batgirl just starts punching toward an enemy that was…
Exactly, I am just hearing “We made a bigger haystack to hide some needles in”
More work on extraneous planets means less work on actual content.
I don’t care. They have fallen into the live service trap. Their long term audience is the multiplayer crowd now. I played the campaign, felt it was fresh but not fully realized and I don’t have faith this studio will catch itself from its stumbles
Assassins Creed in modern day where they have cloned each of the assassins from the first few games with their memories. How cool would it be to have Ezio and Altair co-op in a modern/future city environment?
I felt like something was off when I saw this before I knew it was a whole debate. I trust my monkey brain that some CGI trickery is going on