
Investing in this project is not a good idea.

Ok......that was pretty awesome.

Random Space Jesus didn't say, "because fuck you."

At least there wasn't a random Godchild who basically goes 'because fuck you' ala Mass Effect 3. That bastard AI could control an entire armada of reapers but apparently couldn't activate a switch, tell the reapers to stop killing, or overload a transmitter by itself without requiring you to kill yourself in the

This comment simply betrays that you haven't played MGS as a series. It's phenomenal writing within a very specific postmodern style that is not naturalistic in a conventional sense; the characters' dialogue is often very bad/unrealistic, yet the games are genius overall because of how those characters/etc. function

Outside of what's been listed, I'd nominate this dynamic duo

Dear Phil,

If they were selling them faster than they could make them, and there were shortages, and they weren't being outsold by Sony, then they wouldn't have dropped they price and they'd be hard to find, making you smart for snatching one early on.

Arkham City alluded heavily to Scarecrow being a major player

I'm officially going to be "that guy."

If the winner was chosen based on community votes—shame on the community.

Owen, if you chose the winner by hand—I must ask, why?

There are many, many entries in the "finalist" pool that are infinitely more clever, witty, and appropriately referential than the "winning" post was.

dont fuck with cops. this is just stupid. they have better things to do than arrest an asshole dressed as sonic in a ball.

[fee-as-koh or especially for 2, -ah-skoh] Show IPA

Come on, just let it die.

Don't feed the cancer.

Don't worry, kotaku probablly have another 4 conflicting the pipeline, including one saying good riddance and another berating everyone for being mean about it

Which...I dunno, kind of makes it all look a bit silly, no? Call me a fake space combat purist, but the ballet moves of the prequel trilogy seemed as fake and boring as the rest of the flicks; overly-choreographed and using spins to make up for a lack of gravitas (or acting ability).

Actually, I find the rappers critique to be pretty honest. The visuals are of course subjective, but in terms of gameplay....yeah where is the finished game?

What is this? It's not as if it's news or informative, just self-promotion. The headline and body make it seem as if some new development has occurred, when it's just an in-house video.

I'll just leave this here