
There is nothing radical here? There's already a slew of PC laptops with no optical drive, and SSD hard drives. And a new Intel chipset? Since when's that new? Apple is getting boring.

Data caps won't go away. The carriers are too greedy.

What the heck, I'll lie too and say I got all 4.

This is like those pictures with all the dots, where if you squint you can see the image behind the dots. Those hurt my brain too.

You gotta wonder if the standard issue uniform for workers here will include a tin-foil hat?

Welcome to the REAL Apple. I'm sorry, but they have always been "half baked". Even OSx still doesn't hold a candle to the true power within the Windows eco-system. Seriously, does Apple have anything even close to Windows Server, even in it's Small Business or Home version? Not even close. Nor does it have near

Verizon does track too, just not with Carrier IQ software. So they can say they don't use Carrier IQ, but they still use something to track your phone's usage.

Grab yer tin foil hats againt kiddos, the paranoid are at it again!

Why do you guys care about Ashton. Why does he affect you so much like this? Sounds more like personal problems than it is about someone else...

The old SIM card trick doesn't work any more. Carriers can detect what phone you are using from the instant it connects to their network. And, if it's a smart phone you can expect new charges in the next 30 days.

I miss the old Radio Shack Realistic speakers. There were a few models of theres that were on the same level as the A5's here, and even cheaper too. Does anyone remember the Christmas commercials they used to do with the wall of speakers?

Or, is the internet too subtle for you?

I'd rather be in a Honda Civic. Better gas milage. :)

This is not Netflix's fault. As said by this article, I'll make it more simple... It's the media companies! Their greed is why Netflix must do this switch. It's also why your cable bill continues to get more expensive, and why Blu-Ray won the HD war (higher profit for studios...) If someone's got a good idea to

So, I guess competition is NOT a good thing?

As long as he lays off the Apple koolaid. Dude, use Windows 7 for a week on and you'll wonder where Apple's been hiding...

Does the iPhone REALLY need to be that thin? Seriously folks. I'd prefer more battery over a 1/4 inch thick phone. The thickness of the original iPhone was more than adequate. This stupidity is really getting out of hand.

Must be, as he's useing the wrong foot for the bass drum.

If your computer is slow at saving a 5MB file, you need a new computer ASAP. Wow.

Sam, sounds to me like you are not the one with the issues. That girl was the one. If she got "hurt" by you lack of communication after a short "fling" then she needs help, not you. You did nothing wrong, and by her communicating her issues with the World on the web, then she needs to suck it up and get a life.