Enter the most novel use of special effects to date!
Enter the most novel use of special effects to date!
I agree with the broader point made here, but argue that the Captain America March stands up there with the great ones; check out how the main melody matches the syllables of ‘Captain America’ at 0:13.
I had honestly thought that wishful thinking on community’s part, but this really does lend credence to it; neat!
If you pay attention to the creature at ~0:45 you’ll see that it’s self-flagellating, then at ~1:55 we appear to see the opposite angle with blood flowing toward the cauldron, behavior that’s evocative of characteristics of the Londor Sable Church.
“Snacktaku’s Pretty ‘fraid of Limited Edition...”
Alternately, you can watch them all at once with multitwitch:
Ah yes, the Tournesol. I know that feel, bro. Never did beat Yiazmat though...
What pause mode music should sound like:
The haunting backstory you never knew you wanted to see!
I ‘followed’ you. Y’know, with the follow feature. :v
... you had weight to lose? :o
You monster. (Thank you for keeping me from being the monster.)
Killing Kaworu is the final straw that sends Shinji spiraling into insanity and, depending on which version of Evangelion you’re watching, destroying the world.
I had that same thought!: Folding wings? How did I not think of that in all of these years? How did NONE of us think of that for all of these years!
“One tough little rodent’s going to need a whole lotta coffee!”
She’s surprisingly okay with killing the love of her life just so Batman can be reborn. It’s all just so convenient that none of it works
It has Luchador Pikachu.