
I hate what they’ve done with Roman Reigns the character, but I dig Roman Reigns the worker. Similarly, I hate “John Cena” the WWE personality, but I like John Cena the dude. That being said, I’d rather watch Enzo Amore arm-wrestle the corpse of Nick Bockwinkel than watch a Reigns-Cena match.

His real name is probably not Jon. It’s probably Jaehaerys or Jabroni Targaryen or something like that.

Listen, you unamerican scumbag, I won’t let you sully this here comment section with that kind of drivel!

He’ll never throw another pass in the NFL if I have anything to say about it!

Don’t tread on me!

But by all means, beat the piss out of my sister.

I agree. I’m fine with players hitting and raping women. But don’t disrespect Merica.

Lucky for this bar brawling, boob-grabbing domestic abuser that he didn’t take a knee during the anthem, or his career would be over.

A close call, I think we can all agree.

i’m going Hand Gliding next week and i certainly hope i don’t crash land in some Bob Wire and cut myself up!! i was so scared of that possibility that i curled up in the Feeble Position while thinking about it last night. that said For All Intensive Purposes it’s pretty safe so really it’s a Mood Point. anyway this is

It’s because they confuse italics with italians and they hate olive-skin too.

Now playing


Build. A. PC. It will play all the same games anyway.

Tonsil Hockey at that

That would have been amazing and would have rivaled Sting taking off a Sting mask to reveal Sting

No, this was totally out of line. It’s not Snoop’s place to teach American kids bad words their parents don’t want them to hear. We have the current President of the United States for that.

I’ll argue that there are actually 3 Hill Valleys in the 1st film. There’s the original 1985 HV (1.0 unaltered with the Twin Pines Mall and wimpy George plus tough Biff), then the 1955 HV that Marty travels to and in which we then see him alter 1985 HV 1.0 (1.1 now with the Lone Pine Mall, more assertive George and wim

Am I the only person who hasn’t had a problem with Comcast? I think they charge too much — but I think that of their competitors too. I get my shows, my wifi works... not sure what more they should be doing.

Or possibly its just adults that actually are productive and make the world go around so that you have all these nice things. Instead of the fucktards like you that sit in mom and dad’s basement and bitch and whine about everything because you were raised to be a selfish snowflake.

Fuck the family that did that. Not only are you a royal PITA to the rest of us that have to squeeze into a tiny metal tube together, but you probably just ruined your child’s day. Be a responsible adult and check that shit.

Here is the church.