
It’s a fucking map. Imagine in your mind a square piece of paper. Now put some dots on it, that’s your standard map. Now put a star on it, that’s the map when someone is wanted. Now put no dots on it, that’s the map when you’re wanted.

Would it be a solution just to remove the store from the app? Can’t you already make purchases with their other app? That has been on the AppStore for some time now.

I’m extremely upset over the blocking of this feature that I was incredibly excited over, was going to download immediately, use incessantly for three days, get frustrated by the small screen size and inconsistent controller support, and finally allow to sit unused on my device for years until I finally needed to free

Who the heck buy a new console to play old games from decades ago? Especially when the manufacturer didn’t announce they would port these games?

if you bought into the switch just on the maybe of a VC, you’re kinda stupid

The thing that most makes me feel like an old curmudgeon in 2018 at the ripe age of 30 is the way committing/decommitting/recommitting has taken off on Twitter, etc.

I can’t imagine the paperwork needed to get 16 phones.

The man’s a former champion, everyone knows him. He’s a household name on the level of David Arquette or Nicholas.

at least it’s not the Box 3 Signature Edition

In retrospect, it seens obvious: cats are not very good at basketball.

I really like the first Lords of Shadow, but the second one is mediocre at best. And the 3DS game is fine. I enjoyed it quite a bit!

Counterpoint to an earlier aside in the review - outside of the modern shit in the second one, Lords of Shadow series is great.

Yes, I personally am. I haven’t played it since before the DLC started coming out, and having it portable would be a really nice feature for the game.

Trader Joe’s has a really yummy Joseph Handler Sweet Red Blend. It’s sweet with a light but bright flavor and its about $5 a bottle. The Joseph Handler Riesling is pretty good too!

If only there was a nonviolent way for NFL players to peacefully protest what’s happening to minorities in America in a way that would garner mass media attention.

Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.

Oh yeah, I head about a tourist that visited that site once. He climbed all those steps and wanted to ring the bell at the end, but the poor guy had no arms, having lost them in an industrial accident years previous.

He looks ok in his profile picture at least: