
Stephen, as long as you've been reporting on games, you know better then anyone that by and large fan talk is hot air, almost no action. These are the same people who want Nintendo to make new IP, then don't buy it when they do.

Oh, totally agree. I always play peaceful and science-y until someone attacks me, then I'm like "NOW YOU HAVE AWOKEN A SLEEPING DRAGON AND FILLED HIM WITH A TERRIBLE RESOLVE" stomp stomp stomp nuke further stomp.

My first 40 turns would probably look similar to the ones in Civ 5:

So wait, he now has half of what he had going in? I think my ex-wife invented that trick.

"It looked fine when I was there six weeks ago!"

Kind of wished they launched Halo 4 as a new-IP game. It was ok, and looked STUNNING, but it didn't really feel like Halo to me. It felt like a good Sci-fi shooter that was told it had to be Halo, just 'cuz. So I'll remain 'meh' about this one, at least until we see some footage at E3 to go on.

I tried it briefly. It works, and the iPhone screen makes games look great, but at the end of the day you're still playing on touch controls which kinda sucks. I'd rather just play on my SP.

sad, but why would you want to play a game boy game on touch device anyway? Get a freaking GBA or actual gameboy, they are that expensive or hard to find.

When they do it, its art. When I do it, its 3 days in jail for indecent exposure an a $200 fine for littering. (I got a little on a few things. )

As someone who is gluten intolerant, I mostly agree with you. One good thing from the recent fad though is that there are a lot more choices for people like me who have no choice in the matter. Suddenly it's all the rage and I can find even more "normal" food that does not contain gluten (which is different than

Wade was actually the victim of a racist incident when someone threw a banana on the court. At least, it seemed that way until the person threw a second banana.

I would have gone with Mousefall, or Call of Cheese: Modern Mousefare.

so...regular storage?

*King, Slayer

DNA testing has once and for all, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proved that King Louis XVI was NOT, in fact, a gourd.

meh I don't buy it. I think what happened is the circle of life. Guy meets girl in college, falls for her. Guy goes to NFL, surrounded by hotter, sluttier tail that wants to fuck him. Guy divorces college sweetheart to fuck said tail.

So let me get this straight. After years of devotion, when she literally gave her blood to put a smile on his face, things get a little stormy and he suddenly can't be tied down anymore, so he just floats off into the distance, deaf to her crying out his name and pleading for him to come back? This is a terrible time

The problem with the people that keep pointing out Lueke's history is that it ignores the possibility for redemption despite a checkered past. People make mistakes and they grow as a result of it. Yes, it's an ugly truth. Nobody is going to deny it. But the fact remains: many people have gone on from being members of

I fully admit that I'm probably the only person alive who feels that Akira was overrated. Give me Fist of the North Star any day.

While I don't use a fitbit, I do use the MapMyRide app on my phone to slavishly map my bicycle rides and track my time, speed and "calories burned", not because I think the phone is particularly accurate or that the calories burned metric is even remotely based on reality, but because it's a measuring system to