
It has "Price of Freedom" you bet I'll get it.

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" was also the soundtrack to Lawrence Taylor's post-retirement highlight reel.

When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the

I laughed my ass off during this entire thing. I cannot wait to pick this one up and enjoy more.

I'm not sure what i just watched.

That's a really unsafe way of managing your passwords. You're assuming that your template/algorithm is simple enough for you to use it to remember many passwords, yet at the same time be complex enough that someone with modern crypto tools and a high-end computer can't figure it out in a few minutes.

At least they didn't try to use substitute words and blurt out "Cunt Ruckus".

Hulk Hogan was the #1 guy in the WWF's heyday, Warrior would be #2 or #2a with Macho Man Randy Savage. This guy was HUGE back in the late 80s, early 90s, noted for his energetic persona and bugfuck crazy, nonsensically awesome promos. It's moreso stunning considering he just got welcomed back into the WWE (his

I have read that Ferguson's contract gives him the right of first refusal? Even if so, I don't think they want him at 11:30, or that he'd want to be there.

I think we're going to do Squirrel Girl, too. Not because we think she's a good character, mind you, but just because if we manage to make a Squirrel Girl movie before you figure out how to make a Wonder Woman movie it'll be hilarious."

It wouldn't really be Microsoft without a dumb name, though, would it?

You know for that much you can get some rum and really improve the taste of Coca-Cola

Surely many people will raise questions about the steep price tag to propose at a Houston Astros game. But when you remember that your $500 provides the team with a season's worth of clean drinking water, it all of a sudden becomes worth it again.

Strong piece. However, please be thoughtful about how you use the term OCD. It is a condition that involves uncontrollable and intrusive thoughts and compulsions which are used to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsessions. It must cause serious impairment and usually over 1 hour of time per day. Unless that applies

the minus is due to the fact that the paper was supposed to be about the Outkast song.

The possibility of 4000 dead workers isn't interesting?

Heck, we get people like that right here in Kotaku.