
It's just like that old adage, 'you mess with a wolf, you get the comically depleted starting rotation, with a wholly apathetic fanbase desperate for anything but expecting the worst, and the perception that your front office has no clue what they are doing, and the universal knowledge that a 37 yr old retread with no

Of course the Cano signing was all they were willing to do. The Mariners are a joke. They make one debatable splash and can tell the fans that they are trying, and the dipshits who go to knitting night eat it up. The Mariners have been decreasing payroll for years. They aren't trying to win, they are just trying to

Of those, only Sonic 4 episode 1/2, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, and Sonic Lost World aren't spin-offs. And of those, only Sonic 4 episode 2 has anyone other than Sonic playable (and the other playable character is Tails, so... pfft) and other characters in any of those other games are tertiary at best.

Except for, you know, the last half decade of Sonic games that had no one but Sonic in them. But, you keep doin your thing man.

And football. Let's just ban football in the NFL. Calling the Cointoss correctly = Win.

Ya but the goal post is a part of nfl equipment. So its safety is much more important than the other two.

Yesterday's news: Paul George doesn't wear clothes.

I also had the same initial reaction. Maybe it's my inner nerd for interesting stats, but when I hear 9/11 I think ~3000 dead, Pearl Harbor ~2400, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are around ~150k and ~75k (by conservative estimates and not counting long-term radiation effects), WWI ~37M, and WWII >60M. It's the same thing as

I think I've been desensitized clickbait, as I instantly translated "died on 9/11" to ~3000, and didn't make the connection until it was pointed out

I'd like to call your attention to the mustache portion of Jared Remy's horrible facial hair, above.

I can't wait to see Vince McMahon on Shark Tank trying to sell the XFL again.

Slow down, Cuban has some standards.

why would we be better off waiting till launch? that makes no sense at all. just cause it starts at 7 am......big deal no one said you HAD to be there at 7 AM to get in at all.

Shouldn't it be *Died in a game*:

Goes nuts and demands Bioware changes it, complains to the BBB, screeches at them when they say they're going to extend it for free, votes EA the worst company in America.

That would be a more accurate comic.

Ubisoft's quote is hilarious:

Yep, he's such a loser. He doesn't even spend his time insulting complete strangers on the internet.

[watches Dolan be incredibly open]

"Investment" is the wrong word. Backing something on Kickstarter is more like a donation.

This. People seem to ignore the fact that Big Boss wasn't voiced by Hayter in MGS4. While I understand it'll be a bumpy path (and this new 20 minutes of gameplay aka Ground Zeroes isn't going to help those in conflict join the Sutherland camp), give it a chance, because in the end it doesn't really matter what you/we

I wonder how integral it will be to have played Peace Walker to understand some of the plot in Ground Zeroes. I tried it when I got the MGS HD collection and while I would like to go back and finish it, my initial impression was lukewarm at best. It just felt so un-MGS to me that I eventually said "fuck this" and