I wonder if Link game out to a knockoff of the main Zelda music?
I wonder if Link game out to a knockoff of the main Zelda music?
Yeah, same here. I was hoping Destiny would be great, but nothing I was seeing was winning me over. Played the Alpha and loved it.
I have an Expedit 2x2, 2x4 and 2x2 all laying down next to each other. The top 4 boxes of the 2x4 hold component and all the other boxes have white drawers in them to hold video games, accessories, etc...
I have an Expedit 2x2, 2x4 and 2x2 all laying down next to each other. The top 4 boxes of the 2x4 hold component and…
I played Revelations in 2 different sittings about 6 months apart. The first time I barely used the bombs, the second time I used them all the time. I kept the same few in my repertoire, but they were pretty useful and I missed them in III and IV.
He was given direction, to what extent is unknown. They didn't throw him in the room, tell him he's an AI and let him run loose. Some one was in their letting him know the context of the scenes, inflection and emotion to use, etc... maybe he failed maybe the director failed, maybe they all felt he did a good job.
Yeah, FF games that've been released. Once FFXV has been released expect it to be added to the milking queue.
Me too! I won't buy this new Theatrythm because it doesn't have my favorite music from my favorite unreleased FF game!
I just started watching the M's for the first time since the mid-90's and these guys have to be the worst. Maybe Blowers would be better if he had someone with some energy in the booth, but Sims just seems horrible all around.
You and I don't, but too many people do. My girlfriend's son was bragging about getting promoted up on a Minecraft server and now he can do such and such and if he get's promoted again he can do even more. He was excited as if this was a real accomplishment in life. I'm glad he did something and got rewarded. Too bad…
To be fair I didn't laugh when they came out because most of these weren't funny to begin with.
I played Metro 2033 and I liked it. Great story and atmosphere.
I like to focus on non-war stuff with the belief that I won't go to war, then as soon as someone attacks me I start up my war machine and my lust for blood doesn't stop until I run a few nations into the ground.
I'm with you. I've played all the Halo games and loved Halo 4 when I first fired it up. After a couple of days it lost it's luster.
Kinda hard to become leader when you're locked away isn't it?
Well he was ok with his girlfriend getting blackballed, so he might be ok with getting blackballed himself.
I agree! Casting did a good job getting old Harrison Ford as Han Solo to replace young Harrison Ford who played Han Solo in the OT.
I did the same, but with a Sony card that got $100 with my first purchase and no interest. So essentially my PS4 was $300.
Not everyone can qualify for a credit card.
No doubt, I financed my PS4 and that's only because I got $100 off any purchase with my Sony card and no interest until October. No interest and $100? That was good enough for me.
I did too. I still play Animal Crossing New Leaf daily so I'm not sure how I'll balance the two. Maybe after a year of ACNL I'll be ready to move on, but I doubt it. Either way after watching the video I know I have to buy this.