I've had that feeling a few times. It always gets me when I see Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth and realize they're gone.
I've had that feeling a few times. It always gets me when I see Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth and realize they're gone.
TMZ says he collapsed outside a hotel in Arizona and was pronounced dead at the hospital. So for now I'd say not a suicide.
He does.
It is interesting. One thing I didn't see in this article was that the reference to 9/11 triggered people, well me and I assume others, that about 3,000 people could die for the World Cup. So I actually read the headline as "World Cup Expected To Take More Than 3,000 Lives" and not "World Cup Expected To Take More…
Looks nice, but I already have 3 different colors of the Play Arts line so I'm pretty good on Raiden figures.
I don't think they are. A lot of readers are too negative and too eager to point out flaws along with trying to draw comparisons to other games to tear another game down.
You're probably correct, IIRC, the reason for the original delay was due to the extra time needed to work on the day one patch.
I'm actually kind of hoping that David Hayter will be back for The Phantom Pain and they'll patch and re-release Ground Zeroes with his voice as well. Not because I'm that against Sutherland voicing Snake (well I kinda am, but I'll live) but because that would be a massive undertaking by Kojima to troll each and every…
Why should age matter Ground Zeroes takes place a year after Peace Walker. I would've rather they waited until The Phantom Pain to make the switch and used the 10 years of being in a coma and all the physical trauma to explain his change.
I just beat Peace Walker last night for the first time. I couldn't really get into it when I played it before. I mostly didn't care for the extra ops. I understand why they're in the game since it was originally a PSP title, but even when I played PW on the PSP I didn't like them. If you give it a go, read a guide on…
After watching it a few times I was thinking the same thing. Justin probably thinks he really is that good because his handlers stage stunts like this for his benefit without him knowing.
I have no problems with delays, in fact I welcome them because usually it results in a better game. What I do have a problem with is delays. Stop making dates until you know the product is going to make that date. I understand they want to build excitement using a date, but it's nonsense and it creates more disdain on…
That's advice to live by.
No, people hate it because it wasn't made by Rocksteady. Origins is a fun game. I loved it just as much as I did Arkham City, but I prefer Arkham Aslyum.
Go to Everett and all you hear about are the Silvertips. It's unbearable.
Amy Hennig, you are worthy. You are not destroyed. You are reborn. You can redeem, or if you prefer avenge yourself. Others have reanimated the corpse you lived in. Free their souls and let the wheel of fate churn again. Become our soul reaver.
The article doesn't say it isn't testers either. It's probably testers, plus extra people brought on to help finish the game.
I normally don't like the two tone systems, but for this one it actually makes sense. Yoshi's eggs are green and white.
You might be over thinking this, buddy.
That's why you don't give them money. Give them potions, trick them, or refuse. I even managed to get demons to join me when I tried to end conversations with them.