
he continues, “That feeling you’re feeling right now, black people have been feeling that way, forever! Right now you’re wondering how you’re going to get along with all your friends who voted for Trump. This is how black people feel all the time. Join the fun!” shit is cheaper (read: free) and smells much better. IJS

Don’t buy at all on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Shut the establishment down. For two days at least.

The situation quickly spiraled out of control. At the height of the outbreak, 20 new cases of HIV were being diagnosed each week, reaching a total of nearly 200 cases by the time the outbreak was finally under control.

well....the protest I’m proposing is an economic one. No spending on Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Twitter....Facebook.. Send a press release to your local newspaper. Call reporters and explain why you’re organizing this. You can get the word out. Use social media to the hilt. You can do this!!!

What color will Trump’s hair turn? Most Presidents have turned grey after a couple of years..

That was a weak defense for Tiffany Trump. he should have just made a video ala Brittany Spears....

I would assume it would. But expulsion isn’t going to solve the problem. In fact it would exacerbate what ever ones are currently present. The student who is expelled is going to miss school days, parents are going to miss work because they have devote time to finding another school to accept their kid. So you have to

And what pretell will marching and shouting in the streets solve? Seriously?

expulsion doesn’t solve the issue. Creates resentment.

Love me some Zsa Zsa. She and her sister were the Kardashians of their time. Anyhoo, at least Quebecois (imagine the accents there) have company....

I stand corrected. LOL

“We addressed this incident when it occurred,” he said. “We are addressing it today. We are working with our students to help them understand the impact of their words and actions on others in their school community. Our school district and each building in it works every day to be a welcoming community for all,

The rich has always turned it’s lack of “hope” on minorities, immigrants. Nothing new. And those countries you mention as examples, they are all homogenous, so basically it’s you them taking care of people like themselves. But also keep in mind the taxes in those countries are high.

The funny thing about’s a little known “heheh” fact that quite a few Klansmen have/had black lovers.

Ummm you know there are a LOT of police who are in the Klan. IJS

Ummmm do you understand irony?? That’s how Trump got into office. Blaming folks.

When I read about the youth harassing each other in school, I thought the same. Hilter used the youth to come to power.