Oh god. All of a sudden her modeling photos from 20 years ago would be proof she’s an airheaded slut. And if she criticized Donald in public it would just get worse.
Oh god. All of a sudden her modeling photos from 20 years ago would be proof she’s an airheaded slut. And if she criticized Donald in public it would just get worse.
We’ve talked before about using mind maps as a means to kickstart creativity, but former Google career coach Jenny…
To pass the time as the list grows, maybe we can also play Trump Apologist Bingo.
I’m glad you guys are doing this, but I’m afraid you’re going to run out of internet.
This is the most ridiculous argument ever. They picked a 5x bankruptcy abuser who has decimated thousands of small businesses, and squandered ONE BILLION DOLLARS of other people’s money, who literally lives in a gold-plated palace because they think he will help them? Bull. Shit.
Which is common sense because population will determine where the bulk of money is spent. It always has.
If you’re living in an urban city, things are great for you.
You do realize that life in urban centers can be ridiculously difficult as well? People work 2 crappy jobs sometimes just to afford to share a small apartment. You pay inflated prices for everything. Everything you deal with in rural America is in urban America with higher prices, more congestion, and crazy…
If you’re living in an urban city, things are great for you.
What the hell do suicide rates have to do with anything? And who said you, personally, were white?
Not today, Satan.
“Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.”
Someone much wiser than me said, “character is who you are when no one is looking.”
A toddler would be a much better and less dangerous President.
And who helps little kids who are living in poverty and have AIDS. Thank goodness we avoided that!
We elected the equivalent of a poo-slinging toddler so stains are part of the deal unfortunately.
Charles Gaba had a great tweet today: Charles Gaba (@charles_gaba) | Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn’t a deal-breaker. End of story.
See, that’s just you libruls with your political correctness gone amok
But I’m so glad we didn’t elect a lady who doesn’t know how to email well.