
Read up on some personal narratives from blacks who have had encounters with the Klan. The trauma and fear is not a joke.

In other words....the folks who largely voted for Trump have a level of power and/or influence on a micro-level, which means in the next year or so the term “last hired, first fired” will be a refrain among black folks again. Cause we know one thing about that demographic, their biggest complaint has always been

Thank you. 85% of black women voted for Hillary....And you think she’ll send a thank you note? Naw.....

Thank you for posting this.

Canadians have always been happy.

I swear this is the very definition of irony...A straight man thrice divorce trying to prevent others from getting married.

I applaud you.

I know.. What’s wrong with good ole Sheniqua or De’seree or De’stini IJS

No need for apology. It’s all good.

This man probably still uses AOL mail.

Never said I didn’t vote for Clinton so tell me how my choice empowered them? My vote for or against has nothing to do with folks taking responsibility for their behavior. Even if Clinton had won still wouldn’t have silenced the silent majority. As if I’ve learned anything by being black in this country, dammed no

  • Sure but learning from guys like this.

Um that’s the point. They get to build their own thing with the support of laws.

Well Obama wasn’t a big fan of the press either. He just didnt’ do it as blatantly as Trump is. IJS

Oh underestimate the power of a Narcissistic mind. He is soooo not “shitting in his pants”. he’s looking in the mirror thinking, who’s the shit now?

So no tweets either? Can he actually withstand a Twitter-withdrawal??

Good question....I think it’s to what degree would be the impact of a Clinton presidency affect black America vs a Trump presidency. For black women, hmmm...that’s a complex question. I didn’t get a sense from her that she would undo the damage caused by her husband’s presidency, nor did I feel she was very

Sigh.....Yes, Lawd, suffer fools gladly.....

Our need to be entertained and make serious issue sophomoric is why/how Trump got into office. We took him and his voters as jokes and the joke is on us.

Petty huh? Well petty got Trump in. Enjoy the next four years. Hopefully by the end your petulant behavior will be humbled.