
Oh you gotta give her love for this was her "coming out" er debut...

This photo sums her beauty for me. Everytime I see it, I think Glory to God the girls are having their moment.

Your story reminds me of an audience member who told a similar story on her show. But her's was about how she used the shoes to motivate her into better life. (cue tears)

LMBOO. Good one but wrong show. More like they found out that the deaf sister was screwing her sister's trailer trash-tranny lover in their bed, who actually is their cousin.

Lawd I pray for the day when rap/hip-hop gets back to the days of clean speech...My fairly old ears can't take all this b&*h this and N**** that. Maybe one or two curse words, but dang, every other word??? I'll pass.

Thank God that I wasn't subjected to some high-pitched Auto-tuned singing while watching this.

I'll be glad when the sheeple wake up and realize that these "games" are programming folks to accept such behavior. Yes, it's programmed to kill black men. That's what the Illuminati (or whatever you wanna call 'em) want folks to be programmed to accept.

Lawd have mercy....SMH and LMBOOOOOOOOO. Thank you. My feelings too.

Sorry Jia, but as well meaning as your piece was, it does come across very VERY snarky.

Actually, I would LOVE whites to try being black or "brown-skined" for a day or heck, 40 if the Holy Spirit moves you. Then folks could learn first hand that racism does exist and it's not some figment of one's imagination.

But I'd be holding my breath for that one....

She got blackballed and Daniels, a reported friend, couldn't tell her why.

Hmmmmm.....see in the world OUTSIDE of LA, friends actually give you the low down on WHY shady stuff is happening to you.

My guess....Mo'nique ain't co-sign on to the next step of silliness to become "BIG" in LA....a deal with the Devil. Go on

Actually the bible does say's a sin. But I'm assuming you're joking. So, carry on.

Ohhh Korean skin care stuff is soooooo worth it. Please don't get me into a frenzy. I just love talking about that stuff.

And the by the hour makeup artists that she has come by everyday. The products might add up to $1400+ a month, but the look? That's probably closer to $5000. Kanye can afford it.

Do a youtube search. LOADDDDDSSSSS of contouring videos on there. And you can do it cheaper than $40. I use two concealers from Black Radiance. Works perfectly. As long as you blend right. That's key.

Anyone see Chris Pine and his tears during the applause for the performance "Glory"? How much did he get paid for that performance?!?!?!

I ran into Luenell this summer in LA. She's got to be one of the humblest "famous" folks I"ve ever met. I told her she looked familiar but couldn't place her. She never once put on airs or was dismissive. Very very polite and nice.

Well society tells people with long-term severe depression not to end their lives. So, is there a "right" disease that would allow this situation? I mean, why can't I have relief from my suffering as well?'re projecting. And offended that she pointed out something. #Stophatinblkwomenforyourownproblems.

Well you could stop seeing her as embodying a stereotype and view her as astute. That, if you knew anything about black film, you'd see she's pretty much hitting the head on the nail.