“relievers fighting back at starters who fuck up their ERA by voting for inherited runs scored percentage”
What Sully did is an entire different category than what happened here in my opinion.
That is incorrect. Bonuses are NOT taxed at a higher rate.
It’s going to work, isn’t it? By virtue of being a loud mouthed asshole
Okay, that has to be horseshit. Julio Jones didn’t break a kid’s hand by dunking his arm through the hoop...right?
Nah they know if Brady goes down, they are fucked.
While it’s nice gesture, I worry about the moisture-wicking abilities of Anne’s face.
Hollywood isn’t an organization. Studios are major corporations, so the second half of your assertion obviously doesn’t hold true. And corporations don’t have ethics departments, whatever you hold those to be. So, uh .. great string of words you put together there. There are ethics committees that oversee research in…
Duplantis competes for Sweden internationally
Oh, you beat me to the punch. If only Molly Brown had been so lucky....
Exactly. I am inclined at this point to let these idiots, who just shot themselves in the foot, suffer the consequences of their vote. They voted because Trump tells it like it it is, and is bringing the jobs back.
We had to adjust the rules with those balls because the tail allowed us to gun them harder than any 11-year-old should. With the plastic whistle on the side, they were impossible to catch at full speed. We adjusted so we were allowed to play it off one bounce. I recall a game when it was one on two since my teammate…
Well, when you owe a shit ton of money, you find a way to play through the pain....
Fortunately Josh Gordon uses it to keep his Browns roster spot in remission.
This is absolutely shocking. I had no idea the Giants had a fullback.
No, not really. Think of the Kuznetsov as the carrier equivalent of... a 1952 Chevrolet pickup truck. The Russians are out running with the original straight 6, three on the tree, manual drums on all 4 corners, armstrong steering, etc.
Sharks can smell blood from miles away though...just saying
“calling for help probably only made Kobe madder.”
What it reveals is that Mercedes Benz has a significant part of their business in maintenance contracts. Because the right call if new sales are the core would be to let the driver die: he already bought the car. Meanwhile the pedestrian is a potential new customer.