Hops for hip brew hoops

Guess which one scares him more


In an opposing teams stadium I might add

...are you saying that these three teams are not riddled with bandwagon fans like worms in my dogs heart?

I have two ideas about how to resolve the name change issue:

Are you a moderately attractive middle aged woman?

Now playing

As much as Schiano is an ass, he's not entirely wrong here. We've made great strides in medicine (and this whole MRSA fiasco could probably have been avoided with a little medical asepsis), but medicine really ISN'T that exact a science. If it were, we wouldn't need medical professionals, we'd just have robots. I

sounds like candlejack got to him befo

I believe it's 35 from NYs own Vinny Testaverde, but I could be wrong

I like the cut of his hair

Oh, I'm not doubting your mother's baking skills (Lasagna counts as baking right?), I'm sure she's a pro. Just as a transplant who grew up with not-provel, experiencing it for the first time after arriving... well, let's just say my opinion still stands on the cheese.

Provel 'cheese' is an abomination to all things good and decent in this world. Gooey butter cakes, on the other hand...

It's also a decaying behemoth of broken/boarded up windows, crumbling buildings and the worst roads I've seen this side of Costa Rica.

Hey. There's some good food here! And... and the zoo is free! So that's pretty cool, I guess.

...Sooo you're a niners fan, then

That's no moon... that's his forehead

I think my biggest concern in that scenario is other inmates finding out about my sweet deal and potentially having a 'stabby-kind' of problem with it. Dunno if I've just been watching too many movies/TV shows, though...

We have a bit of a history in Washington with bridge collapses.

The Browns currently have more wins than the Steelers, Giants, Falcons and Packers combined. Let THAT sink in...

Now playing

Not EXACTLY what you're describing, but I feel like this is appropriate to remind us all how old we are: