It was, as it was for most of it’s run, fine. Lots of excellent references and callbacks to previous seasons. The Cavalry coming in was excellent. I also enjoyed Sousa getting a denouement since Agent Carter never really have him his due.
It was, as it was for most of it’s run, fine. Lots of excellent references and callbacks to previous seasons. The Cavalry coming in was excellent. I also enjoyed Sousa getting a denouement since Agent Carter never really have him his due.
None? I’ve never been a fan of Motorsports, so obviously I’m going to be curmudgeonly about this. But in the current state of the world where we’re facing global climate change, largely because of the consumption of fossil fuels, glorifying a “sport” that is really nothing more than a visual display of our overconsumpt…
Maybe not the best forum for this question. But does anybody else remember cannonball being gay at one point? Am I just completely pulling that out of my own ass? Was it one of the other Guthrie's?
To be fair WoT was usually one book a year and the main series was finished. The prequel series only had one novella completed and I think they've completely scrapped the idea of finishing it as well as the possible follow up with the reconquista of Seanchan.
Plus the whole being owned by a foreign company will make them a huge target a la dieselgate vs gm literally getting people killed by takata airbags.
I can see it being a pretty good swing at a Marvel procedural. Plus, despite his one note acting, I like Austen.
Honestly, the show killed all interest I had in finishing the series. That and the fact I haven't read one his books in years because of the ongoing delay. He's an excellent writer! But, there's other fish in the sea.
It's much more of a political thriller with a good sci-fi twist. I mean, obviously some suspension of disbelief is required, giant train and all. But it's grounded, well thought out, and character focused. I'm loving it, but we all have different tastes!
I am LOVING Snowpiercer.
Touché. I mean, vampires DEFINITELY have a longer shelf life than zombies.
Wasn’t there just a show with this exact same premise with the guy from Saved By the Bell? It got cancelled after one season?
Replace with plastic man?
Well they did. But it's not difficult for someone to go digging in the backyard for those skeletons that you took out and buried there.
Weeeeellll. Like, sure, I guess. Probably. Yes. Definitely, maybe.
So I think your car would likely be a crackpipe for 3k. That is a 30 year old vehicle. If you got more than 500 to junk it I would be surprised. Although it could be a desirable collectors car? Maybe that way you might get 3k out of it. But since you only purchased for 7k, I doubt it. However if it's running and you…
Can confirm as an owner of a Volt that most of us pretty fanatical about it. I think mostly because it’s pretty unique in a lot of ways. And is a really solidly built car. Some of, if not e theGthe best engineeringhengineering GMeGM hasdhas ever done. Wow Kinja really fd up that last sentence. Like gms electric…
They've got to add something to make it interesting.
Just, you know, ask permission before you go sticking things in tailpipes.
I think the truth coming out about his very small penis just kind of led to a massive breakdown for him.
Who are all these people? You only put out like 4 articles a day. :P