I bet this wasnt the first time she blew over 300
I bet this wasnt the first time she blew over 300
commence Gif's in
"The Truth" in Brooklyn's home blacks"
i always thought the same thing myself
or a typical Jets fan...
thus no-fault being no party is completly at fault...
after having somone recently back into my Camaro, no-fault is exactly what it sounds like... it bacially means that the insurance companies will fight it out in court, because in NY no single party can legally be 100% to blame
heres the video
Ive seen this car rolling around Queens, thats a shame, such a pritty car
she does have great tits
i think of this clip every time i hear a philly story
hello? is your refrigerator running?
little known fact, Lombardi actually coached at Fordham Prep first...
seriously go fuck yourself... quality...
you sir are the type of idiot who tells girls they drive a Benz just to try and get into there pants
posts comment linking a video during a Jets game, where a coach with the last name Ryan, fights his own player for fumbling the ball...
Chris Berman approves this message...