Pence will be fined $21,000 for hitting the ball with the crown of the bat.

i really wanna smoke a joint now

heres a novel idea... links to the stories your promoting...

this may be the greatest gif ive ever seen

Jasons seccond post of the day, where the end result is you should really get a better booking agent...

wait wait wait.... really? #nightline.... there viewers have no time for hashtags with all there metamusal with a warm sanka and whatnot.

way to be on the breaking edge of media.....

I was there this year, and this was there!

I was there! did you see the Camaro lawn south of the tunnel?

no way... I traveled from NYC for this past weekends WDC.... and inside of 8 Mile, the D reminds me of 1980's NYC crack epidemic, except 100 times worse....

finally someone who has some sence around here...

what people dont realize is, these are on the first vehicles available...

that is the greatest thing i have ever seen ever

baba booey, fuckin hilarious... tssss tsss

why dont you go boo boo or somthin tssss tssss

poppy seeds make you test positive for opioids (heroine, pills) not meth

fuckin Chip Chiperson double guns!

narrated by Rip Torn?