
They're WAAAY cheaper on Amazon.


My first OKC date was pretty shitty, but it got better from there. I wouldn't let your one bad experience discourage you. The more you date, the more you learn what to look for before you even meet the guy in person.

I just asked my vibrator if I was a "lonely fuck" and it said BUZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Bobby doesn't need no stinkin' armor...

I agree that the writing style is not EXACTLY the same, but it's similar in that it cites a bunch of nonexistent academic theories, is long-winded, reads as male, and claims they are a feminist, even though they don't agree with the most basic principles of feminism. LD hasn't commented for an entire week, which is

Is this a cookie or a stress relief foam thingy?

I understand your hesitation, but I've been online dating for 4 years and I'm...still here! I'm in a Ph.D. program and would not have met anyone otherwise. Though most of the guys who message me on OKC are not worthy, I have had 3 relationships from this site and my experience on OKC was no worse than the 3 other

Good find, Burt. I can't even tell you how many people, both men and women, have said that "online dating must be so easy for you because you're a girl! You must have SO MANY MENZ TO CHOOSE FROM!" Right, so many sexual harassers to choose from...Aren't I lucky...I have nothing remotely sexual on my OKC profile, yet

Here...this one's easier on the eyes!

Hey everyone! Check it out: it's a man posing as a woman (AND as a feminist) on an article about a man posing as a woman! How meta is that?

You claim you're a feminist, yet you blame women for what men do to them. You just be a feminist of the "not a feminist" persuasion.

He's pandering to Team Dog...

YASSS! You should go into the fashion industry :-P

Commenter Heebeegeebees was the one to initially dig it up :-D

So fashion. wow.