
HAH really? I thought this was one of her happiest photos...lookit her tail wagging!

I'm more than ok, especially since I'm no longer silent about it. It was a lot to work through, especially the hating my dad for being selfish and killing himself part. :-/ Studying suicide has helped me realize that we can't just demonize people who take their lives...inadequate mental healthcare is to blame.

NEVERMOAR! Outta the grey for you!

Aw, shucks, you don't need to thank me! Thank my boss for securing the grant money to pay me! hehe

Apparently, the only reason a father would throw his child and himself off a building is if his wife is an abusive bitch! DUH! It's impossible for men to suffer from depression and be suicidal because of it...

We don't know the whole story...this guy could've been suffering from severe mental illness just like the woman in the story and not have gotten the treatment he needed...his mental health could've been the reason he lost custody...who knows! Either way, suicide is horrific and there are inadequate resources to

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death now and men are 4x more likely to successfully commit suicide. I'm so glad I'm working on suicide research focusing on the role of masculinity in suicide...

This just happened today, so of course we don't have the full story...

Something similar happened recently...a mother with probable postpartum psychosis jumped off her apartment building with her baby strapped to her...amazingly, the baby lived! It bounced off of her and landed on the ground safely. Too many tall, jump-off-able buildings here, man...

I'm in that neighborhood all the time...horrible!

I thought your point was to give me unsolicited advice about my writing style so you could stroke your ego.

I'm so sorry my online commenting is not up to your sophisticated standards! How else can I please you? ::bows:: Do you want me to shine your shoes? Do your laundry? Oh, I know, I'll help you remove that stick from your ass!

I...don't know if you noticed, but I like bikes...I got excited to see a bike in this amazingly talented woman's photos...

I saw all of them! So many unusual things!

Great find, Burt!

I have that pretend goldfish bowl in the beginning of the video.

Btw, HermioneStranger informed me that there are pro-feminist men's spaces!

Tonight's a beer night for me ;-)

YUP! The most depressing part is that we're talking about feminist spaces!