
"Feminist men" seem to think that, once they get their Feminism Card, it never expires and they are exempt from examining their own privilege for the rest of their lives.

Seriously! I hesitated to spend the dough on the hat, but you know what, this woman is making these hats by hand and they're for a worthy cause: raising awareness about misandry.

THIS! I see many Hugo Schwyzers-in-training in feminist spaces and it makes me sick...especially since they don't even realize they're doing it!

Right on! Glad we're on the same page :-)

You guise, I can't wait for my misandry hat to arrive!

THERE'S A PRO-FEMINIST MEN'S MOVEMENT?!?! Meaning there's a place for feminist men to go to fix their problems so we can focus on ours without being derailed?

Thing is, it shouldn't just be up to feminism, which consists mostly of women, to solve men's problems. The Men's Movement started off as men's version of dismantling the patriarchy as it hurts them, but it has obviously been taken over by misogynists, so it's driven away a lot of men who believe in social justice.

Oh, you meant monetary profit.

How do we profit off the patriarchy?

That sounds like a nightmare! I have one and it's enough.

I'm going to miss you so much. I will use the shit outta this gif!


Yeah, but the media outlets don't want to hear about women celebrities' work...they want to talk about their pregnancies, children, motherhood, fashion choices, makeup...if "work" is mentioned at all, it's in the context of asking them about their "work-life balance."

YUP! A low-SES POC who did what he did would have had her/his kids taken away and been locked away in the blink of an eye.

Effective public health measures just aren't "edgy" enough for some people...

...but Charlie Sheen is worthy of a reality TV show, even though he has a history of committing domestic violence and even went so far as to shoot a woman.

Siiigh...yup...think of how excited people are for celebrity comebacks when it's an accomplished, middle-aged/older white male celebrity.

EXCELLENT point! Let's not forget Mariah Carey's suicide attempt and how unsympathetic people were...everyone was so quick to judge her.