
All I'm saying is when that happens to a 20 year old kid, I can see why they'd do that.

I don't get where this authority comes from to label someone posting pics of an Ex an asshole because it's "revenge porn".

my relationship was a lot more complex than fuck buddy status

it just makes me feel like an idiot that I spent all that money. A part of me wants to make her feel a bit of the idiocy I'm feeling

if the law is there to guide me under threat of prosecution to not behave in a certain way, fine. But those pics became my property when she sent them to me, I may not have the "right" to post them, but there is nothing in the world she can do to get them back

Some dudes are assholes for sure, others I feel just made an ethically questionable decision after they got burned.

but few people deal with a tough breakup logically

As a result, it seems not only common, but normal to post up what appears to be revenge porn because, hey, everyone is doing it, it cant be that bad then.

HAH! So my friend just sent me The Atlantic article on this study and I sent her this discussion thread.

I grew up right near Delray Beach, which Lana claims inspired her stage name.

Fordham did something

I'm totes adding this to my gif collection!

Reading the description of Dasani and her family's living conditions made me want to hurl...that quotation makes me want to bop him on the head, put him in a sack, and bring him to that homeless shelter and lock him in their room where they lived for 3 years. So, Bloombie, how was that pleasurable experience for you?

I hope all the rich bastards who read the NYT will be moved to do something help the can you read that and not want to help? jeezus...Obviously we need long-term policy changes and not just charity, but this story illustrates how a little bit can go a long way to make a family's day.

Siiigh...I wish "going viral" with your story were a positive thing, but it seems all people want to do is tear you apart for being poor.