
We've had republican mayors for decades...that might have something to do with it...if you start reading the NYT article Laura posted, in the beginning, it talks about a policy Bloomberg implemented that directly lead to increased homelessness.

I'm sorry you went through anything resembling what these kids are going through...holy shit...

I told myself to stop reading the NYT article Laura posted, but I couldn't stop...I want to bawl and I feel physically ill that this is going on in my backyard...

Smart dogs indeed...

ZOMG, this's like the '90s never ended...I feel like all the kids' movies and TV shows were so pizza-centric back then!

This makes sense. Viagra was originally developed to treat hypertension.

You either 1) didn't read my comment in full, 2) didn't comprehend it, or 3) willfully ignored what I had to say.

Sorry, dude...I had to say something because the OP stated that s/he read the original article, but s/he clearly misinterpreted its content:




What do you mean?

Thank you! :-D

Many of the commenters are also unaware that developmental science has long ago progressed beyond the nature vs. nurture debate and has concluded that that patterns of brain development result from a combination of genes and environment.

YUP! Like I said, based on this study, we can't make any definitive conclusions regarding causality. However, the authors of the study did not discuss the possibility of how girls' and boys' differing life experiences could be differentially shaping their brain development.

My credentials are not even established?

What are your credentials again? Just curious. Thanks!

I'm drawing conclusions based on research. That's what scientists do. I'm a scientist, by the way. Sup?