
THIS IS GOLD! Thanks for sharing!

I'm completely against body-shaming, which is exactly what I did there, but I was hoping to point out the sheer hypocrisy of someone with an "imperfect" body calling people fat! It's like those jerks on online dating sites who have a "no fatties" policy when they themselves aren't sculpted like Greek gods...We're all

GREAT ARTICLE! Thanks for sharing!

I think one of the most important things about being a feminist is being nonjudgemental. I'm not judging any individuals for their choice to wear certain things or groom themselves in certain ways. I just think it's important to critically examine why we do certain things in order to open up more options for both

Not gonna lie...when it's hot as hell outside, I do like having the option of wearing a dress - it keeps me cooler. But having that be your only option is very limiting. This reminds me of the American Girl story of Felicity - she couldn't go horseback riding unless it was sidesaddle because women couldn't wear pants


Yes, these are also reasons people are less likely to be friends with people of other races. It's all a vicious cycle - we "other" each other because of institutional racism and because of lack of exposure to "others," we form inaccurate perceptions of those who are different from us. FLAB, MR. BIKRAM?!?! FOR SHAME!!!

Lookin' a lil flabby there, bud...

"It means that we feel comfortable with women who seem helpless and require taking care of, perhaps we even encourage or demand these traits from women." —> Hence the fact that society encourages us to wear shoes that impair our ability to walk.

This is not to excuse my lack of black friends (I'm white), but to explain it: One of the most persistent findings in social science is that people tend to "stick with their own kind." This doesn't just apply to skin color, but it also applies to values. I went to college in the south and worked alongside wonderful

I lived in the Mighty Jerz when I was little, too!

Samesies! Those were the days...


Did any of you guys ever try that thing when you were little where you slide down the stairs on a pillow?

GOTCHA! I sure hope they're working on this in their secret laboratories.

Yeah, but pharm companies are not even trying to test it out. Nor is anyone trying to determine how much of a demand there would be for this procedure. To pharm companies, and society in general, it just seems easier and more convenient to continue to pass the buck on to women in terms of birth control, which isn't

Neither had I! O_0

"Don't try to marginalize men who want control of their own bodies by making them out to be cowards." —> Where did you get this from? I was pointing out that the drug companies are assuming men aren't willing to risk side effects in order to be able to control their ability to reproduce, when, indeed, a sizable number