
RISUG is a very simple procedure, actually. All it does is make it so the sperm disintegrate before they make it to their destination.

The birth control method that was mentioned in the article whereby the vas deferens is basically disabled is the simplest solution and lasts for 10 years. Look it up - it's an amazingly simple, painless, very much reversible procedure that should be available to every male upon sexual maturity.

I always found that odd, but I guess there are plenty of explanations for this based on evolution.

You're absolutely right - that's not just a stereotype...there are mountains of social science research supporting this phenomenon. One of the reasons married men live longer is because their spouses make them go to the doctor.

I'm an ex-Floridian who strangely likes cold weather, especially exercising in the cold.

I just feel like no one was this concerned about the side effects women had to face when taking the pill, where as now that they're developing bc for men, everyone's like "those poor fragile MENZ can't handle this WAAA!" It's like these drug developers are assuming all men are giant babies unwilling to risk side

"you get to have essentially 100% control in whether you keep or abort and unwanted pregnancy" —> Oh, goodie!

THAT'S EXACTLY HOW I FELT when I first got my bc for free! It was all I could talk about the rest of the day!

Yeah, that was a rhetorical sucks that we have to shoulder the majority of the responsibility for birth control...

I feel like there are enough men who are just as concerned about pregnancy as women that they would be good about using birth control. One of my friends' biggest fears is getting someone pregnant. I don't understand why more men aren't lobbying for this...

"Hormonal methods of male birth control have been largely abandoned, due to questions of efficacy, safety" —> Was this a concern when developing female birth control?

I always joke that I prefer "cold yoga" because I hate it when my hands slip during downward dog...In the winter, I open all the windows and use a fan when I'm doing yoga!

SAME! I'm a size 4, so I just miss his criteria for body size :'-(

"confident but not vain, superficial, overly concerned about looks" —> So in other words, the exact opposite of you?

This guy's clearly waiting for the bus or something and probably wanted to wear something comfortable - he had an unzipped jacket that was probably zipped most of the time over his junk, but didn't think unzipping it would lead to someone taking a creepshot. Anyway, it doesn't fucking matter why he's wearing


All of this is why I don't go to weddings. Luckily, I have the "I'm a broke student" excuse...

I'm sorry, I misinterpreted what you were trying to point out...I'm so used to being on the defensive. I thought you were making a statement about how men do all the dangerous jobs while women are exempt, etc.

YES!!! Again, if we don't say anything hateful or harassing, he can't harm our reputations. One of my biggest fears is these assholes making a hateful internet meme out of me.

I tweeted back with "We'd stop harassing you if you stopped giving us reasons to. Society doesn't owe you anything or need to remain the same for you"