
I'll always remember you as Sookie! Keep kicking ass!

UM, is forced MOTHERHOOD fair? You know, being forced into motherhood because of lack of access to a safe abortion?

I think we still have the original plastic VHS cover with the peen on it buried in my family's home somewhere...wonder how much it would sell for on eBay...

I went to UF, so I love gators! They used to be an endangered species in FL, but now there's an overpopulation problem, so much so that there's a brief gator hunting season. When I tell people there were actual alligators all over my college campus, they think I'm a crazy person.

Your mom sounds awesome! Also, we had opposite childhoods...

When I was little and I'd lose my temper, my mom called me "Ursula."

One of my good buddies from high school had one - she was in an awful marriage that luckily ended in divorce. If they'd had a child together, her life would be hell. She doesn't regret it one bit - the child would be 4 years old now and because she aborted, she's been able to focus on herself and her career. She's

"sugar globes" —> new term for boobies! THANKS!

Oh, poop...sadpants :-(

Ok, I feel better now. Between this guy and Tracie from Jezebel, Gawker media has provided me with bountiful free birth control! I really appreciate that parents are opening up about the ugly aspects of parenting - it's really beneficial for those of us who are on the fence about whether or not to have children.

I was so afraid to talk about private parts-related stuff with my mom that, the day I got my first period, I snuck into her bathroom, grabbed some pads, and just kept it to myself for an entire day until I was saying goodnight to her. I figured that I couldn't keep sneaking pads out of her bathroom forever...first

"You're a pussy because you're doing whatever your kids tell you to do. When I was raising you, we never gave in to you kids like that. Your generation is weak and you are an overly permissive slave to your offspring. You should hush that child up and teach her some goddamn manners." —> Am I a bad person for somewhat

"Others just came home from school and there was a book about all their Parts waiting of them on their bed, never to be spoken of aloud" —> THIS was me! Anytime a serious conversation needed to be had, mom put a book on my bed.

You've done it again, Lindy! Thanks so much for your awesomeness!

Thanks for your insight...Sounds like gaming is a vicious cycle of alienating women, thus turning women off to these jobs, which results in an undersupply of women in this industry, which results in this lack of gender-inclusiveness in video games. Le siiiigh...

It's a vicious cycle :-(

"Actively alienate" would've been a much better way of phrasing it! Also, as someone who works in the biz, do you feel you have any ability to effect positive change in terms of being more gender-inclusive? I'd think hiring more women in the field and doing market research regarding what women would like to see