
I've already had a troll try to infiltrate this thread - I know there are good arguments for engaging with trolls, but I'd rather not let this thread be polluted by trolls if that's ok with everyone.

I should've specified that I wasn't talking about webcomics! I'm a huge webcomics reader - I was talking about the superhero comics and the like. Do you have a link to your work? I'm curious!

But can you imagine the business they'd get if they did make these industries more women-friendly?

The headline + the photo lead me to believe that these celebrities joined the employees in protesting the company...I was so excited for a second, then

Video game makers and comic drawers! You're marketing to only HALF THE POPULATION! Wise up!

That makes sense, but European women typically have smaller breasts, which can more easily be supported with our muscles. In the HuffPo article about it, it says the study didn't mention breast size, which, to me, is one of the most important variables to consider. I'm going to try to find the article on PubMed just

Awww! Thank you! Tuxedo kitties FTW!

Alcohol may increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior, so if there's any discussion of aiming warnings at victims, you bet your ass we need to also aim them at potential perps...

Think you could cite a source for this statistic for the other commenter in this thread?


Ok, 'fess up...who has her period?

I'm sorry, dude...someone very close to me was raped by his best friend's older sister when he was 15 - she was 22 at the time. He also likes to laugh it off, calling her a "pedobear," but it seriously fucked him up. He never reported it because of people's mistaken beliefs that men can't get raped by women.

THANKS! I got her a microchip and you can create an online profile for your pet so people can help you look for it in case it gets lost. There's a section that asks if there are any other descriptors, and I wrote "extraverted personality and prominent whiskers."

DUDE! You just won the internet today! Here's a dancing kitten as your reward!

Well, shit, this whole time I've been drinking about men, I could've been exposing myself to rapes?

This is heartbreaking! Sesame Street is so good at this stuff...I used to work for the DoD and, before my boss was deployed, he had a Sesame Street DVD on his desk that was made for children with deployed parents...made me so sad!

You should write an Amazon review, only this time, this one will actually be critiquing the quality of the product!

Absent in this whole discussion is the fact that alcohol increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior - if there's going to be a warning label, it should be directed toward those who could cause harm to someone else if consumed. Alcohol warnings usually take the form of "don't drink and drive" and "don't drink if

True, but still...they could bury it in someone's flowerbed or something...