
Yeah, this guy is Westboro Baptist Church, white supremacist-level intolerant whose arguments can only be backed up with hatred and not facts.

HOLY SHIT! That's insane! Well, if these MRAs who are arguing with us in this thread want any credibility whatsoever, they need to divorce themselves from this nutcase. I'm glad you took to the time to go to this site and expose MRAs for the terrorists they are.

WELL said! I've never thought of MRAs as terrorists, but you're right - they exist solely to instill terror in feminists and other equality-fighters.

Well, I and other feminists see the sexism inherent in culture and we seek to change the culture that confines women and men to certain roles. The fact that men pursue higher-paying jobs in a culture in which men are socialized to be providers is not a coincidence.

Not sure what gender you are, but if you're a guy, don't let your guy friends get away with rape jokes, street harassment, and other awful things that reinforce rape culture. I experience street harassment on a daily basis and wish a guy would hollaback and say "that's not cool, dude."

MRAs supposedly care about these issues, but they also feel they have the right to abandon their children, forgo child support, and think women are sneaky sperm thieves and are after men for their money - thus, these men show no evidence of wanting to do their fair share of childcare, they just don't want any "false

"There is voluminous research on this topic which I won't even attempt to cover." —> Why? Also, because women are saddled with the majority of the childcare and housework, we don't often have the option of "working extra hours." Also, we're not socialized to "more aggressively pursue raises"; in fact, even if we

I thought we ladies were the ones blinded by our emotions...sounds like white supremacist misogynists are far more emotional than women are made out to be...

The only source white supremacists such as PatriarchyForever have for their arguments is hate.

Yes, there are more women in college than men and we have higher GPAs, but we're still making 20% of what men make and we are grossly underrepresented in the occupations with the highest prestige. What does this say to you? To me, it says we are working harder, yet achieving less than men because of sexism...if you

"I'm not a racist, but..."

THANKS for drawing the Tea Party comparison! Good one! I've compared them to climate change deniers and creationists...

This "censoredvoice" person is probably another invocation of "patriarchyforever" - please use the dismiss button!

Also, these people who care about the draft, which, btw, we haven't had for a LONG time, are the same ones who think servicewomen deserve to get, if you want women and men to serve our country equally, don't you think we should make it possible for them to do so by addressing the assault they experience?

PLEASE don't engage this troll - keep him in the grey. Like I said to expat, this troll once tried to convince me that history classes teach kids that all white people are evil. This troll has nothing of substance to say, hence his screen name.

PatriarchyForever is an MRA troll - dismiss his comments, please, so they don't rise to the top of the thread. He once tried to convince me that history classes teach kids that all white people are evil.

May I add the following: They complain about all these injustices, but then they do NOTHING to address them, except blame the feminist movement for all of these "violations" of men's rights, when it's really the patriarchy that oppresses us all that creates these injustices. In practice, MRAs' sole function is to

Lindy - words can't express my deep admiration for your standing up to the white male comedian establishment. We need more women in male-dominated professions such as comedy, especially women who will tirelessly speak up for our rights.

I don't have the willpower to resist reading Jez when I should be writing my dissertation...guess that means I don't deserve to be in my grad program...