
I've been wondering this forever, too! Thanks so much for clarifying!

You're statistically more likely to have been exposed to HPV after a certain age - if you've already been exposed, the vaccine is less helpful. My OBGYN told me that 90% of sexually active people have been exposed to the virus. The CDC isn't going to push for people to get vaccinated when it's unlikely it'll help

This post is in reference to this. I thought it was applicable to this situation because congresswomen are being asked about their bags, but congressmen are not.

...and the reason we have these appendages called purses is because our pants/skirts/dresses aren't designed to be practical (meaning, we can't fit our wallets, phones, and keys in our tiny pockets), they're designed to accentuate our bumps, where as men's pants serve the purpose of covering their lower regions and

"Because it was assigned by a style editor for the style section." —> THAT'S the problem!

Would you ask a man that question? - Hillz

This is great news, especially since pets are so therapeutic!

One of the people who responded to my dissertation survey self-identified as a "US mutt" - that's the only time I've ever heard a multiracial person use the term. However, just because one person uses it, doesn't mean it's universally ok. To white people: if a term describing race sounds like slang and you're not part

"Cheerios has committed the heinous crime of 'acknowledging that interracial families exist,' and also that 'sometimes interracial families need to eat breakfast.'" —> LULZ!

I've been depressed my whole life and only went to therapy for bereavement-related adjustment issues when I was 11 (my dad had just died a year earlier). Though I was in therapy for 2 years, I was focusing mostly on developmental difficulties, such as peer relationships - I wasn't directly dealing with my depression

I'm glad you're reaching out to us! You didn't do anything to deserve this treatment - don't make this experience worse by blaming yourself. Though these comments sections are crawling with trolls, there are enough of us on here who are well-meaning and are here for you!

We'd be hard-pressed to find non-GMOs...

Yes, people have the right to avoid EVERYTHING IN THE PRODUCE AISLE, hence the obesity epidemic in our country...

If companies had to label all the GMOs, then ALL of the produce would be labeled as GMO, leaving anti-GMO people with nothing to choose from.

EVERYONE ARGUING FOR LABELING: Practically EVERYTHING you eat is a GMO! There's no need to label ALL THE THINGS! Here's a label for you: STFU!

There's no need to label EVERYTHING in the grocery store as food, and since practically EVERYTHING we eat is a GMO, then why waste everyone's time and instill fear in the public with yet another 3-letter acronym?

There's no need to label a banana as "food," so why label it as a GMO?

That would require everything in the produce aisle to be labeled - have fun with that!

That's so messed up!