
I know! I also was horrified by what Gabby's husband was doing...thought it was so sick, but also thought it was just a silly TV show :-(

Can we post this article all over MRA discussion forums?

It's like what happened in Desperate Housewives...

We should have an International AbortionCopter to fly women in need of abortions to places where it's legal...

I agree! There is vision training (Useful Field of View) for older people to help them maintain their driving abilities and many older adults remain safe drivers well into old age - there are so many individual differences in how we age and our baseline driving abilities that making blanket statements such as "olds

That's terrible! No one should be discouraged from the activities s/he loves just because of age! There are 100-year-old marathon runners! Whoever this doctor is is pretty ignorant, not to mention negative! Plus, there are modifications one can make to physical activities to make them easier for people as they age. I

That's what cross-sectional studies, not longitudinal studies, show. Whether you're conservative or liberal, your political orientation will not significantly change with age.

There's an anti-old bias, too...even though older adults have more medical issues, doctors spend LESS time with them than younger patients. They are also more likely to write off treatable conditions, such as chronic pain, as just part of being old. We need more doctors to specialize in geriatrics!

Also, political beliefs have nothing to do with age - if you were liberal when you were younger, you'll be just as liberal if not more when you're older.

Ever notice how Jeffrey Tambor's (Pop-Pop in Arrested Development) default face is a frown? It's like the corners of his mouth are weighted downward. This is the closest I found to a smiling Pop-Pop...

Also, dunno if you heard, but there's this thing called happens to the best of us! Also, sometimes wild chronic or terminal illnesses appear...also, sometimes wild natural disasters appear...sometimes, wild dinosaurs come eat your house and then run away laughing! Potential parents should see these

My mom and dad started a family, but 10 years later my dad died...some people do "everything right" according to your rules, but then sometimes a wild death appears - my mom should've seen this coming, right?

May I suggest a little bit of MAGIC and make-believe?

That's so sad :'-(

I've had this messed up thought recently - I feel like, to a certain degree, modern-day parenting is like're a slave to your child's every whim, lest your child feel the slightest bit in need of attention! I'm not a parent, but it seems that so many parents lose sight of the fact that it's just as

It sounds like you're doing an amazing job :'-) Reading to your children at bedtime is so incredibly important for developing verbal skills! Sort of related, according to charity First Book, kids from low-income families who have access to books in the summer can outperform their higher income peers: infographic!

I was raised by a single mom and had a super Grammy to help out! However, not everyone is as blessed as we were to have this additional familial support :-/

It's true, but let's not lie: single parents are disproportionately women because of biology and social norms regarding childcare. The only person I know of whose mom, not dad, ran out on her family was someone whose mom has serious mental health issues. The only single dads in the media I know of are ones like Bob

Important question: my mother is without a doubt a single mother - my father died 18 years ago and she raised the three of us mostly on her own. However, some people who are mothers who are unmarried would consider themselves single mothers, even though the father is still in the picture ("in the picture" can mean

Agreed! When you plan for children, you are able to give them a better life! However, as was my family's case, you can't plan everything - my father died when I was 10 and he was the sole breadwinner of our family. My mom dropped out of college after 1 year to marry him, start a family, and be a stay-at-home mom, not