
I find this topic so interesting! I study older workers - for my dissertation, I collected online survey data from employed adults ages 50+. I'm specifically interested in predictors and outcomes of occupational self-efficacy, which is essentially one's beliefs in their ability to carry out job tasks. Not super

eBay, dude...I sell my stuff for cheap there all the time, in case you wear women's clothes in approximately US size 4 :-P*

Dude...that GIF is gonna haunt me in my sleep...'re a boss! Thanks for schooling us!

You're on fire! Do you have any publications?

Sounds like you have a very interesting job! :-D

We're also more likely got take care of our health and seek out help in general. We're also better at maintaining social contacts - socializing is just as important for longevity as any preventive health measures.

NotNote to mention that Rush Limbaugh made up that term - congrats, MRAs! You've stooped to his level.

Dude...we recently had a president who killed thousands of innocent Iraqis for no reason...however, that doesn't make all Americans bad people just like harboring bin Laden doesn't make all Pakistanis bad people.

::TURBO HIGH FIVE:: We have the same breakup strategy! I lost count of my "number" right around when I stopped giving a shit. As my former roommate said (she's a bit older than I am and I saw her as an inspirational older sister), "No one's counting!" good...

REALLY?!?! I loved it (prolly cuz I waited so long)...

I got there about 3:30-3:45 - it was a good time because it wasn't lunchbreak time, but it wasn't after work time, either.

I was in line for only half an hour - totally worth it!

Got mine at Columbus Circle today :-D

Dead Guy is AWESOME!

Sounds like schools are joining the 21st Century! Awesome!

I've been thinking about this a lot lately - our country is in the stone ages when it comes to modesty. Our cool European friends are laughing at our restrictions on reproductive care, healthcare in general, and our lack of topless beaches...I CAN'T BELIEVE this aversion to women's bodies is happening in New York

SERIOUSLY! Anyone ever been to a beach?!?! Babes in bikinis holding babies!

I never thought about this issue - thanks for bringing it up! Also, sadly, most pedophiles are men, but people forget that most men aren't pedophiles...still, this is also another factor influencing people's reluctance to leave children in the care of men.