
LINDY! You're on fire lately - LOVE THIS! I boycott comedy clubs for these very reasons...thanks for this!

Wow, a lot HAS changed since I went to elementary school in the 90s!

That's funny, I remember learning about the pilgrims on Thanksgiving in elementary school...they were portrayed in a very positive light, learning how to make popcorn from the Native Americans and everything! Fast forward to high school US history class - we'd only talk about half the population, aka women, when we

You mean the history section, right?

I temporarily took my blog down b/c I'm currently applying for jobs, but I had a post up, challenging the whole internet to show me one example of an MRA accomplishment that benefits society and I will eat my cat. Someone replied to my post with this link. This is a father's rights group that seeks "better lives for

Want men's studies? Open a history book, watch the news, listen to a Congressional proceeding, read the newspaper, open your eyes...

I'd never heard of this movie and I'm sure many other Jez readers hadn't, either...WHY OH WHY did you just give it publicity? ::stabs male friend::

ugh...this statement will fuel MRA fire b/c, you know, they think feminism is to blame for men getting beaten and raped in jail...some troll is going to crawl out of the woodwork and yell "MISANDRY!" at this...

MRAs biggest gripe with feminism is that the legal system favors women, when in reality, the legal system fails us time and again.

OH YEAH ANOTHER THING...the first police station she went to was in a wealthy, small beach community - NO WAY it was understaffed...don't let people give you that excuse for the cops who don't do their jobs properly...

OH YEAH, and there were "too many drugs involved" for them to determine whether it was a domestic violence situation...ummm...being on drugs doesn't cause someone to beat you up...try again!

I LOVE how MRAs think the legal system favors women when the legal system fails to protect us ALL.THE.TIME! My mom went to the cops b/c her bf beat her, one of them took pictures of her injuries, and they conveniently lost the pictures...she's gone back to him twice since - if he'd been taken off the streets and if

Mansplaining is presuming you know more than others just because you're a man - you're not mansplaining at all! You're a dad and you probably know so much more about life because of it. If anything, you're dadsplaining :-P...anyway, you sound like superdad! YAY!

You are a BAJILLION times more open about sex than my parent was...that's awesome!

I've told this story before on here, but I remember getting catcalled by some dude who hung out on his front lawn in my neighborhood. When I was 16 for about a year, I would go jogging everyday after school and this guy started harassing me every time I went by, and I would do two laps around the neighborhood. I lived

LOVED that book, especially this part...thanks for bringing it up!

"Although maybe I view sex a lot like leveling up in Pokemon" —> hear that? That's the sound of YOU WINNING THE INTERNET TODAY! Congrats :-D

"The sexualization of women is only appealing if it's nonconsensual. Otherwise it's 'sluttiness,' and sluttiness is agency and agency is threatening and so, therefore, sluttiness must equal disposability." —> Thank you so much for this! You took my rage against double standards and put it into words...

Well said! Thanks for speaking up. Like I always say in regard to people criticizing activists' attempts to effect change, unless you have a suggestion for improvement, you're just complaining! The people who tear these efforts apart are the very people who are doing NOTHING to change the world for the better!