
Forget toy companies, what about the evil junk food and fast food industries?

I'm right there with you - just started running again for the first time in 12 years and, even though I do it only once or twice a week, it's made a difference! I was trying to shed the "boyfriend" weight I'd gained (I'm referring to my increased caloric intake and loafing that happen when I'm in a lame-o

Guns make me want to vomit...

You're right, people don't have to go to these things, but some feel obligated to, hence my letter to my friend who had bridesmaided for two weddings at this point. She was venting to me about how much time, energy, and money was being sucked out of her - I was trying to make her feel better, but then wound up venting

You may like this blog post I wrote. It successfully offended a friend of mine who'd just gotten engaged who NATURALLY made my post all about her...I'm 28, single, poor grad student and it's ridiculous for your not-poor friends who are about to be more financially secure when married to expect you to drop dough on

You may like this thing I wrote. Full disclosure, I'm 28, single, poor grad student and am feeling increasingly alienated as my friends are pairing off and "making it" in their professions, so forgive me world for being a little bitter hehe.

I wrote a really kvetchy blog post related to this topic which succeeded in offending a friend who'd just gotten engaged. It's a longish, ranty email I wrote to my friend who'd been guilted into bridesmaiding (btw, maid is another word for servant) on two occasions and it'd costed her a lot of money, time, and energy.

What's up with Mr. Lawyer is that you asked him what he prefers and he gave you his honest answer, but his answer shouldn't shouldn't have to dress "for" anyone except yourself. The same thought process that goes into getting ready for work (it sounds like you get to wear what you like) is what you should

Also, once you hit "old age," your only option for escaping the effects of ageism and self-stereotyping is to no longer be alive. You're right, age is not permanent, but the possibility of reaching old age affects all of us who are not terminally ill, regardless of our demographic makeup. If a superstar politician

I can't think of any such studies - the studies on aging and work that I'm aware of involve regular Joes, not presidential candidates...that would be interesting to research. Also, keep in mind the effects of selection bias - in this case, it's likely that only the most vital politicians, regardless of age, are

I can't think of any studies right now on the relationship between work-related fatigue and age, but if a 107-year-old person can still work 5 days a week, I think Hillz can still handle 16-hour days, especially since she's already proven her stamina as Secretary of State.

Lean Cuisine = the WORST thing for you! Yeah, burritos are hugely caloric, but at least they're not sodium-city [right?]


Gerontologist here - my dissertation is on older workers. The relationship between age and job performance is negligible, except when it comes to leadership positions - older age is a huge plus in this regard. Thus, please disregard any ageist concerns for Hillary's job performance as she ages - though fluid

I picked my cat up from the sidewalk...for free (well, minus the initial vet bills) - best. cat. ever.

"Basically she is an adventurer and sociologist." —> LOVE IT! Ariel was always my favorite...I would pretend to be Ariel by putting my legs into a pillowcase and hopping around and my little brother would be Flounder, following me around hehe

Vote for me! :-P*

I love your screenname - you a scientist like me? I'm in developmental psychology myself...

WELL SAID! Activism needs more scientifically-literate writers, like, I dunno, me :-P*

For the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, it is NOT the scientist's job to be politically correct...our job is to INFORM, not make people feel better about themselves. Science has consistently shown that being overweight or obese is bad for your health - that is NOT to say we shouldn't be accepting of all body sizes! However,