
It's like Dexter's Laboratory!

Graduated high school 10 years ago in May - STILL proud as hell I didn't go to my prom!

Best. point. ever.

SAD this happened, but GLAD it's being investigated!

THANKS SO MUCH for this article! I was never into gaming, though I went through a Mario Kart craze. The sexism (see illustration in your article) and even misogyny (see GTA killing of hookers as an objective of the game) have always turned me off, even though I'd probably like playing videojuegos...anyway, thanks

"Gypped" originated from the word "gypsy."

I don't see any "psychological data" here - I would know...I'm getting my PhD in psychology...also, it's adorable how he obliquely refers to attachment theory to back up his "all I want in a relationship is to do nothing" ramblings. Also, what he wants in a relationship resembles what many people, regardless of

If the idea of women's only hours at his gym really bothers him that much "on principle," then, rather than whining about it and making himself look like an ass, he should work to change our culture that necessitates women's only gym hours, women's only gyms, women's only train services in India, women's only

DUDE! I've often fantasized about doing that to those who harass me and/or cut me off! Ever see that movie Premium Rush? I didn't see the movie, but in one of the trailers, the woman in the movie totally does what you did to the rearview mirror.

I've worried about that happening to me...I use my bike as my main form of transportation here in NYC - I'd take harassment while on my bike over harassment waiting for and sitting on the subway any least I'm outside. EVERY TIME I ride my bike, someone catcalls matter what I'm wearing, even if it's my

Being a private institution doesn't give said institution the right to do shitty things.

I think you just won the internet today... CONGRATS!

COCONUT. WATER. nuff said...Sadly, I discovered this remedy the day after I blacked out from someone "putting something in my drink." (I had only 3 drinks, which was not enough for me to black out and be hungover for an entire day) Luckily, my roommate went to the bodega and got me some Zico coconut water and WOW I

She was awesome in Gilmore Girls!

"two nearly post menopausal women sharing a smile after their morning bowel movement" —> Can we PLEASE not be ageist? Thanks!


"I don't see why people attribute what's good about marriage to marriage as a concept, as opposed to the people in it and the work they are doing." —> Seriously! If marriage were a good idea for everyone, then there would be no divorce rate! Also, did this young woman address the fact that not everyone's even allowed

I will!

Those apples are nomz...This woman's strategy didn't work, so we have to come up with a new one while simultaneously changing in our culture's attitudes toward violence against women.

How is being an internet watchdog not being proactive? Isn't holding people accountable for their offensive behavior the very definition of proactive? How is anything ever going to change unless we take it upon ourselves to report media that are not only offensive but reinforce harmful attitudes toward marginalized