
FINALLY, a story with a happy ending!

Glad you're ok!

BARF!!! at that last guy...ugh!!! Can't a lady just go to work every day, no matter the job, and not get harassed and, if she does, have employers who care enough to protect her?

You have NO OBLIGATION to tell ANYONE about what happened! If we lived in a world where police officers actually protected women, I would suggest filing a police report to help prevent him from victimizing you again or anyone else. I'm sorry this happened to you...I hope you stay safe!

I totally get it! I'm 3 and 4 years older than my brothers and I hung out with them and their friends. My best friend from college is an only child, but she grew up next door to 4 sisters, the oldest one being 3 years younger than she was and they all hung out all the time.

:'-( You're such an awesome friend...I'm glad you shared...just because harassment happens virtually, doesn't make it any less serious or damaging...

I'm so sorry to hear this :'-( first memory of harassment occurred when I was 16...I went jogging daily in my neighborhood and the main road in my development formed a loop - running around it two times was approximately two miles. I'd do my daily jog right after school and there was this college-aged guy with

...the difference being that Shirley Manson made her deepest, darkest sentiments into music rather than harassment of a teenager...

Don't apologize...not at all wordy!

If a woman did this to a man, she'd be burned in effigy as a creepy stalker and have a restraining order against her, not sympathized with as someone with "puppy love"...

Thanks so much for sharing...unfortunately, your grandmother's story is as old as time...hospice workers joke that you have to have "DNR" tattooed on your forehead in order for your wish to be respected...there really needs to be a better system in place to keep healthcare workers informed about advance directives,

Everyone, feast your eyes:

Ever heard of old people? Walking keeps old people in incredibly good shape without causing unnecessary strain to their joints and muscles...also, I'm a gerontologist...hi!

I've heard that, too...yay for putting women on pedestals...siiigh...

I wish more women would open up about their experiences like you have...the more people open up, the more likely it is that certain "taboo" subjects become less so...keep rockin' on!

"paying millions of dollars keeping senile, disabled 90 year olds clinging to life" —> there are plenty of terminally ill young people being kept alive, too, but somehow, their lives still seem more valuable due to our society's pervasive ageism...we need to take age out of the equation when it comes to how to care

I have a grandpa crush on Mike from Breaking Bad, even though he's young enough to be my dad...

Yes, it is because of lack of other available employment. Some people do genuinely enjoy the job, but it's hard work at times even for such people. Also, unlike other service industry jobs, there's a possibility of actually getting paid more for working harder...I'm saying that as someone who worked as a cashier

Your dad's awesome!

"Hot young thing————-Old gross dude" = lulz