NYCyclist, this is too easy...just...don't talk...ever...k?

No problem! I still skip all the 10 blocks to the pharmacy...the happy still hasn't worn off!

I hope you're wrong :'-(

"We want ladies to act like ladies" —> fuck you!

I think the single best moment on television was when LL folded that gigantic pizza up like a crepe and eated it...

That would be PSA, not a sit-com hehe

What did that poor potato ever do to that little kitty?

I got mine...I excitedly went to the pharmacy this past August, expecting to pay nothing, but was disappointed that I still had to pay the copay...I looked at the pharmacist and said "ummm...but Obama?" and he answered indignantly "no...this isn't free..." His reaction was maddening...acting offended at the thought

You shouldn't feel sorry for existing in this world! Sounds like you've got an effective therapist - keep up the hard work!

You had a great mentor! Thanks for sharing.

You sound like an awesome, empowering parent! One surprising finding in social psychology, replicated continuously, is that, in addition to our attitudes have a certain amount of influence over our actions, our ACTIONS, in turn, have an influence over our attitudes...though saying "I'm sorry" despite doing nothing

Live one day in New York City, and you will be conditioned out of any desire to apologize to strangers ;-)

Speaking confidently by not prefacing your statements with "I might be wrong," (it goes without saying that we could be wrong...) is not "acting like men," it's acting like you have something of worth to contribute, even if you're wrong...women "acting like men" in the business world is counterproductive, not only

There's always a possibility that we're "wrong" during a class discussion - by prefacing your statement by "I could be wrong..." you're being may as well be saying "I know I'm a student and I'm here to learn, otherwise I'd be teaching the class..."

Don't dogs sniff your crotch regardless?

I feel visually assaulted - I clicked this link thinking that was a picture of a pickle, not a leech! HALP!

It doesn't bother me either that she looks's that it looks like she's clenching her jaw, like she's stressed out and/or constipated, an affliction that could happen at any age...

I like you...

I agree! I was cycling on Franklin Ave in Brooklyn and there was a dead kitty in the bike lane, which caused me to lose control of my bike (I was ok) :-( I went to college in a college town with an abandoned pet epidemic (especially cats), which is largely a result of the transient student population. There were

I'm right there with you...I've failed at getting the cats to stay off the counter...