
Ha, this is the first negative thing I've ever heard about JS as a person.

I get it. Kind of like how it's never ok to murder Countess Luann. No matter how much she sings at us.

The Roots!

These are also women we simply aren't beaten over the head with every day. At least not currently.

In Soviet Russia, baby birthes you!

@SarahMC: Good to know I'm not crazy/a bitch. Whenever I tell my guy friends about this, they act clueless. They're all "isn't it nice to know you look good though?"

Am I the only one who feels insulted when someone cat-calls me? I think it feels really violating.

@EBone: Thank you!

@Lilah: But it's almost been ten years! Oh... you're right... to the bar! Haha.

@AnneV6: Ha, update: Just searched for the first time in years, and he's back on Facebook. Oh, to add or not to add... oh... oh no.... here we go....

Pretending to tolerate a certain level of sexism that I generally find intolerable.

Vote: Tumblr

I think I just found my next career move.

@MySandwich: Bring tissues. Like a whole box. We're talking snot-clogged nose level bawling.

I used to hate Kristen Stewart and her moping. Then I saw the Showtime movie Speak, in which she starred. I won't give away the plot, but let's just say her mopiness is WELL deserved. She had me moping with her, and now I kind of love it.

@Marjorie Burns: Yeah, maybe it just rhymed. Also he was like, on crack I think, literally.

I don't have any very super close friends. But that's because I generally don't like people.

I should send this clipping to my dad for father's day to remind him just how blessed he truly is - even though he may not realize it.

@skahammer: Sigh, if only this worked with football players.