
Ew. Right?

Ha, yeah, they can say "that person looks like me" and is at fat camp.

This is actually genius. Who better to court when you don't know what you're talking about than stoners? Touche, Miss Palin.

@SophR: See - THIS is what I can't stand. The whole victim mentality that so many women take when it comes to body image. No one can make you feel good about how you look but yourself.

@Whole Broad: I'm personally offended by people who lie to themselves and blame their personal issues on others. Not obesity.

@SophR: Well, if everyone is allowed to take care of themselves as they see fit, there's no basis for banning smoking, requiring seat belts or bicycle helmets, encouraging exercise, or really, anything that suggests that any one lifestyle is healthier than any other.

@SophR: Being overweight or obese, by definition, is unhealthy. It's like smoking. I know smokers who are perfectly healthy, so you could make the same argument that smoking doesn't automatically mean that you aren't healthy, but smoking is still unhealthy - the longer you smoke the more at risk you are. That was…

god nemoy and shatner are cool. why didn't you give them top billing?

@sekushinonyanko: Just like technically you don't have to read my comments.

@sekushinonyanko: I will freely admit to ageism if it means I don't have to watch a woman who is the same age as my mother flit about in outfits even I have too much dignity to wear.

The only difference between Lady Gaga and Madonna is Lady Gaga can actually sing. She's Madonna 2.0 in that respect. The only way she'll surpass her is if she dies young, or otherwise manages not to turn into a 50 year old who still wears leather pants. Ew.

So a person who didn't really want to get married anyway was happy they finally discovered an altruistic reason not to.

Oh noooo, you're doing "worst comments" now? Uhhh... cool.. um, it's been real. Peace! *runs away spiritedly*

@DonnaPirana: Not as bad as Wills of late. Check out the hairline.

@SNEAKERS: I like Zoe, but just think of all the stunningly beautiful black actresses in Hollywood they could have chosen from: Halle Berry, Gabrielle Union, Thandie Newton, just to name a few off the top of my head. I mean really.

Africans teams always have the best goal celebrations. It's hard to find footage, but Togo had a seriously awesome celebratory dance in the 06 World Cup. It was a sparrow dance (you can see it around 3:12) [www.youtube.com]