
Yeah, this is definitely one of those "sounded funny in the conceptualization stage" ideas. Props to her for not settling. And seriously, fuck high school.

I can't help but worry this post is somehow about me. I knew it. You're all out to get me.

I really wanna check the slideshow out but I don't think anyone's actually monitoring that webpages since the layout seems to have been... compromised.

@DaniFae is so into you but way too smart for you: Again, those stores make money without your business, and they have every right to do so. If I own a restaurant I don't have to provide vegetarian options. If I own a movie theater I don't have to play kids movies or indie films if I don't want to. It's the owner's

@whynotshesaid: Only fits skinny people? They go up to a XXL in women's T's and an XL in dresses.

@emaline: I think the point of this story is that the store specifically says it doesn't market to everyone. You can buy leggings and v-necks pretty much anywhere.

This looks kind of fun, but in no way resembles my experience as a member of a sorority, honestly.

Awesomesauce! If you couldn't tell from my avatar... I want to make out with Tina's FACE.

I don't get mad when nothing in a Lane Bryant fits me.

@MakeMeSmile: Oh God no. I've luckily only ever met/been out with a couple guys who were like that. I know there are pllllenty of righteous dudes who aren't anything like the douche-wads you see on this show.

This is awesome, though I doubt having the outline of my cell phone on my boobie is going to attract any suitors.

This was before we had Oprah televising the secret lady-meetings.

I'd agree with her on this one. Most of the men that come to Patti are businessmen who define their self-worth in dollars. Alpha-males like that are going to insist on paying for all the dinners, and getting the kind of control that comes with that.

@ZombieWhisperer: A friend of mine who worked in tech support dealt with an elderly lady once who thought the tech support people could see her through the computer monitor. She'd get all dressed up before she called them even. I really can't imagine what else might be out there for you...

I don't think it has to be as creepy as you think. I get the origins of it. But my father is the man who taught me about, well, men. He's my male guardian. I'm a total feminist but I still see merit in recognizing the first man who was obligated to love you unconditionally, before being joined together with the

@MaxellDVD1: Really? Interesting. I didn't know they reconciled at the end of the year. I've never tried this, only been told about this.

Wait, just to like, hang out with you guys? I dunno. I've had really bad experiences meeting people from the internet IRL.

Better idea for those of us living hand-to-mouth:

What's the point of being a cute blond married to THAT guy if you can't even get into White House parties?

@CerebralMagpie: I'll admit it gets a little tiring to face personal attacks about how I'm not enough of a feminist if I don't immediately agree with every post on Jezebel.