
@enidcoleslaw: Really? Because, you know, Starbucks has healthcare. And literally any other restaurant probably pays comparable to what you'd make working at a Hooters. So I'd really like to meet this evil patriarch who showed up at her house one day with a gun and a Hooters application.

I don't agree that everyone with tattoos is trying to look sexy, but I do believe it is a form of vanity. Just like dying your hair or piercing your ears. Unless you're the guy from Memento and you can't remember anything, I don't really think there are any other reasons.

@Ack: Only if you care what a company named after boobs thinks, sweetie. Which you shouldn't.

Oh wow, really!? She works at a place called Hooters and they're making her feel uncomfortable about her body? Poor baby.

When I graduated from an all-female high school to attend a co-ed college, it was a huge culture shock. I realize the experiences of single sex colleges and high schools are different - but the basic differences in the classroom dynamic of a co-ed vs single sex environment are staggering. The first thing I noticed

It is pretty awkward to have to tell a Hispanic man to his face that you don't take kindly to his kind 'round these parts. Poor girl.

@Hana Maru, with or without animals: Haven't you ever known a couple that seemed destined to break up, because they were always fighting, unhappy, breaking up, cheating, etc, but then they got engaged instead? Also, I just left college a few years ago and getting engaged, for a lot of people, kind of became "the

Implying a beauty pageant that is run by Donald Trump could somehow be rigged is like saying the wet t-shirt contest you lost in South Padre was rigged. In the end, no one cares and you should probably start re-evaluating the life decisions that got you here.

The only thing I haven't really liked about either platform is the loss of control. I hate having to use an automatic "troubleshooter" or something everytime I have a problem. I spent years learning how to solve these small problems that are now huge procedures thanks to all these little "troubleshooting" programs.

Besides the fact that I always detest anyone who speaks in absolutes (and yes, that was an absolute...)

@cicatricella: I don't think anyone secure in their decisions need be offended by what I think. For I am but one lone internet commenter.

What I've never understood about things like this is: what's the point? Obviously there isn't really much of a QUESTION being asked when you do it in public like this. The askee pretty much has to say "yes" to avoid catastrophe. If anything, the question is "Would you marry me or humiliate me in front of all these

@maharani: I'm running a 5k on Sunday to raise money for horse cellulite. Together, we can find a cure.

She spends more on pet food than I do on rent. And seriously, wheelbarrow repair? What?

@Buster Friendly: Me too! I love that site. In the words of Cosmo Kramer: "Retail is for chumps."

I'm even more offended by whatever he's wearing as a hat. Is that a t-shirt? or one of those things people wear in Saudi Arabia? is that a handle on the back?

So... many... things... to mock.... can't... mind... racing... unable... sentences... form..... bahhhh! [aneurism]

I like how in the same thought, Pipes declares people largely ignore these events, but still seems to think it's a BIG EFFING DEAL that a Muslim person won. Like now that she's Miss USA she's going to repeal don't ask don't tell and open our borders completely while handing out condoms to kids.