
1. You've made two huge base-less assumptions here:

Oh no, I just agreed with Sarah Palin on something. Ew.

So, is the fact that I loved Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and comic books growing up - and the fact that I pick on all my friends ruthlessly - a sign that I should be a comedy writer? Or simply a sign that I'm bad at being a woman? :-/

"No self-respecting* woman considers this a win"

"No self-respecting* woman considers this a win"

I don't really think it matters how many people you sleep with. As long as you aren't cheating on anybody and you're being safe and respectful of yourself, have fun.

This whole body positive thing has me confused. I agree people come in all sizes, and we should love our bodies, and no one should feel uncomfortable in their own skin.

I facebooked this girl and their names are still on her wall (don't know if she's aware?).

@morninggloria: If the second guy she named can prove the incident never happened he might be able to sue her for libel. But that assumes he wants to draw anymore attention to it. With the first guy she actually witnessed it, so I don't see how he'd have grounds to sue.

My little brother plays lacrosse and he's a sweet kid.

For the laaayyyydieeessss: I use magnets to keep track of bobby pins and hair clips. This could work well for that too, no? His and hers! Aww!

@femme-bot: My cabs do. Get in my cab.

@femme-bot: YES!!! How fast can you get to Brooklyn?? I want to be on you!

@femme-bot: Yes!! And tell me more about "marketable skills" while you do it!!!

@femme-bot: I love it when you call me stupid... and put cigarettes out on my arm while you tell me you hate me... ughghgagauheagfah

@femme-bot: I'll defend you. I'll defend you all night long. Just surrender to me and I will defend you until you can no longer be defended. I just want to roll up inside you and just live there.

@boss_lady: Sorry I left out the period in the middle. I actually used the word "fat" as I was responding to femme-bot in the context of her own comment where she used it.

@fmm-bt: Ww, y'r rlly smll prsn.

@femme-bot: I'm really sick of having to repeat myself. You're obviously just going to keep calling me stupid because you don't like what I have to say and are incapable of considering other view points. So, have a nice life.

@femme-bot: Thanks, again, you made the jump from stating the reality to condoning the behavior. Both of those statements are true and in no way say mocking people for their weight is a good thing.