
@femme-bot: Here's a really insightful article from HuffPo that was, ironically, posted today!

@femme-bot: "She IS fat. Just like Yao Ming is tall and Kim Kardashian has a big butt.

@bss_ldy: ls, thnks fr cllng m n dt n yr tmblr, Stphn. Bcs nyn wh sys bsty s nhlthy shld b sbjctd t pblc nslts fr thr NSNTY. Y shld gt strtd nsltng... wll, vry dctr vr.

@femme-bot: @boss_lady: Ok, this is ridiculous. Before you throw around words like "moron" and try to "make me think", maybe you should actually read what I wrote.

That's ironic. I've been petitioning my local representative to kick Spencer Pratt out of America for years.

@fmm-bt: Sh S ft. Jst lk Y Mng s tll nd Km Krdshn hs bg btt.

@whynotshesaid: I think it's pretty simplistic to equate the mocking of a group of models in an ad with something normal women face.


@girly: They should expect it TOTALLY. Your whole job is basically going to auditions and having someone you've never met decide if you "look right".

@cinematheques: And I'm sure if you were asked what the perfect man would look like you'd say "Oh! I don't care! All I want is a personality!"

I like how you reference Marc Jacobs and then immediately declare "Men and their tastes dictate so much in this world, and this is one thing they don't get a say in." Puh-LEASE. Marc Jacobs has a penis and is a fashion designer. He probably has a harsher opinion of most women's bodies than any of those men you're

Westboro again confirms their status as "the people that ruin absolutely everything for everyone."

@Tchotchke: I thought Latinas were all "spicy"? ayayay!

@closetalker11: your questions are your answers, grasshopper.

I really didn't want to dedicate two whole comments today to Baio. But this was too funny not to share:

I'm so glad I studied hard and graduated from college so I don't have to grow up to be Scott Baio - or worse - referred to as "Scott Baio's Wife".

Has anyone asked this guy what the protocol is for going into a guy's room with him and THEN saying "no"? Does the entering of the room supercede the "no"? I just want to make sure what my options are for walking into rooms and still avoiding rape.